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The next day was fuzzy.

We got up, got ready and had been on the road for almost 4 hours now. I wasn't sure when Justin was going to stop for a break, but it didn't seem like any time soon.

I was nervous to ask him since he hadn't said a word to me since last night.

I was struck with regret and felt like me telling him completely turned him into his old, cold self. 

I fiddled with my fingertips and stared outside the window as it snowed lightly outside. I watched the snowflakes hit the window and drew out their patterns with my pinky until it melted off. 

The air was sucked out of me and I felt like my body was tossed up in the air. 

My entire head was spinning and I had no idea what I was in for. Where my life was headed? What would it mean to finally be free, completely and utterly free?

The roads became bumpier and the snow picked up a lot harder. I held onto my seat as I jumped out of a bit but my seatbelt held me in place. I was dying to know where he was taking me because this felt oddly suspicious. But he wouldn't hurt me, I know he wouldn't. 

He started to slow down slightly as the road flattened out more and the only thing I could see was the narrow road we were on with nothing but trees tightly surrounding it from both sides. It was also a lot darker now, the car lights on their high beam to see through this small road.

"Where are we?" I managed to mutter out.

"You'll see." Justin lightly said as he focused his eyes on the road with his hands gripping the steering wheel. I couldn't help but stare at him and realize how much I had become infatuated with him. 

A few minutes more of driving, we pulled up to a wide open space with a large, wooden log cabin home that left me in awe. The wood from the outside looked nicely polished and taken care of. The lights from the outside flickered on at the movement of the car and us pulling up. 

(picture for reference:

Justin clicked a button on the car and the garage door opened up. He slowly pulled into it before closing the garage door behind us. 

"Come on, let's get inside." he simply said, opening his car door and sliding out. I followed after him and grabbed some of my things while he grabbed the rest. 

He shut off and locked the car and led the way to the door that led into the house. 

"Name." the voice machine said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Justin Drew Bieber." he said then pressed his thumb on a metal pad before the door swung open, making me widen my eyes in shock. 

"Come on." he said, entering the house with me shuffling behind him. 

I looked around the house that lit up as we entered. Lights hung from the ceiling and the entire house seemed to be completely furnished from the living room to the kitchen. I walked around the space as it completely absorbed me in with how comfortable I started to feel. 

I heard footsteps and saw Justin walking up the stairs and I went along to follow him. 

Upstairs had one small hallway with a couple of doors.

"The room to your left is yours, mine is across." he said, opening his room door and bringing in his things. I turned to the door that was mine and opened it. 

The room was furnished with a bed, bedside tables, a couple of lamps, a closet, and two large doors that led to the balcony. I smiled in content and actually felt the most settled since the beginning of this entire trip. 

Save Me // Justin Bieber (Jariana)Where stories live. Discover now