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I locked myself in the room after calming down from my breakdown. I got up quickly and refused to look Justin in the eye as he opened the door. He didn't say anything when we walked in and when I raced upstairs.

I had my headphones in, breathing in and out. I usually know how to control myself when it comes to my feelings. But my mind was sprawled around from Mason, my parents and my dream. I couldn't hold it in.

I took off my headphones and looked at the time. It was 6 o'clock, 3 hours since I last saw or spoke to Justin. The entire house was quiet. I had no idea if he was still even home.

Voices filled my head as my skin felt itchy. I wanted to scratch but when I did, it wasn't satisfying. I needed to feel something. Anything.

I've never really thought of hurting myself before. Mason inflicted all of the pain for me that if I tried myself, I wouldn't feel anything. I wanted to shake the numb feeling off.

I got off the bed and entered the bathroom. A tub in the middle with a shower to the left and a sink with a huge countertop with a huge mirror above it. I gulped the lump in my throat as I noticed a razor with all other essentials like tweezers and nail clippers.

I walked towards it slowly.

Mason doesn't love you. He never did. He treats you like nothing because you are nothing. You are worthless.

I grabbed a fistful of my hair tightly, wanting the whisper in my head to go away. I paused and just stood there as the whispers got louder.

It's all your fault your parents are separating. Their perfect child choosing a boy that doesn't even care about you. You're a failure in their eyes.

I shook my head vigorously and let go of my hair. I took big steps as I took the razor in my hand and backed up against the wall. I slid down it as I held the sharp object by my wrist.

Stop being a little bitch and just do it.

I shut my eyes tightly as my head spin with endless thoughts. Soon, the voices stopped and my mind went silent as I slid the cold, sharp metal against my skin. I let out a breath of relief and pain as I ran it through my skin two more times.

I kept my eyes closed for what felt like forever until I felt a breeze, my eyes opened automatically and I saw Justin standing there. He stood by the door and just stared at me. I stared back, feeling my breathing become heavier.

I felt the blood dripping down my arm and the bloody razor slowly falling out of my hand and onto the floor. His frame moving up and down as he breathed.

"Aubrey..." he whispered. I shook my head and got up. I made my way towards him to leave until he closed the door and he stopped me. The palm of his hand flat on the door as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"What Justin? What do you want? Please do not act like you care because I know you don't. I was ditched here because he had no where else to put me. He doesn't trust me with my parents or my best friend. I'm surprised he even trusted you." I said, my body radiating with heat as he just stared at me.

"Aubrey, stop. You're bleeding." he said. No shit.

"Oh really? I couldn't tell." I said. I was angry now. My emotions rambled so quickly. From sad, to vulnerable, and now to anger.

He shook his head and grabbed my intact arm, dragging me towards the sink and let my arm go as he shuffled through the cabinets.

He pulled out a first aid kit and opened it up.

Save Me // Justin Bieber (Jariana)Where stories live. Discover now