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My eyes opened wide as I looked around and saw Aubrey sleeping in bed. I sat up in the wooden chair and felt an ache in my back. As I slowly started to wake up, everything from last night started to replay in my head.


This is it. My mind thought.

We were off to kill the leader of one of the most top gangs in California. Of course the people living in the state didn't know, but once your in this life, you know everything about all the people who are with you and against you.

The leader's name was Accardo. For years, it's always been us against him. He was like their version of Mason's dad. The big boss. It was hard to be under someone's control though.

But for the sake of money and living, I tried my best to stay in line. I always had trouble with that.

I felt the car slow down until it came to a stop.

We're here.

"Boys... You know your roles. Let's do it." Mason said, hitting the roof of the car before we all piled out. There were 8 of us, including me and Mason. It sounds small but small is something I like. Small is comfortable and you don't have to trust so

But other than me and Mason, the rest of the guys names were Jack, Samuel, Kent, Aaron, and Ty. All of us except Mason have been involved with Mason's dad for years. Mason recently became a part of this only 4 months ago.

He was good for a rookie though. Guess he gets it from his father.

Jack and Samuel were in charge of lookout. Kent was in charge of knocking out the security guards in the security room and watching the cameras. Aaron was in charge of monitoring our movements from the car, he was the brains out of all of us. Ty, Mason, and I were in charge of taking out Accardo.

After we all assembled into our correct places, the three of us moved to the back of their hideout which used to be a factory. Usually they didn't have much guards and with Kent watching the cameras, this was a piece of cake.

I held my gun tightly to me in my hand and leaned against the wall by the back entrance. Mason stood on the other side as he nodded his head giving Ty permission to break it down.

We walked in a line, our guns held out in front of us in case of any surprises.

So far so good.

We were now outside of Accardo's 'office'. Which just consists of a table at the far end of the room with a chair. It wasn't his official office, just his room where he worked.

"Kent, we good?" I talked lowly into the walkie talkie.

"All clear. He's in there with 8 guards." He replied, making Ty chuckle.

"Easy." he murmured.

We stood silent for a moment, letting the tension break in. I felt myself take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Then, Ty broke down the door. The guards brought their guns into ready position but they were too slow. I brought out two guns and shot the ones standing by the door. Mason shot the two on the right as Ty took care of the two on the left.

We dodged the two guards standing by Accardo that kept shooting at us. I ducked and quickly scurried to the far right. I kept my steps light and quick as I managed to hide behind the boxes that covered the sides of the room.

Save Me // Justin Bieber (Jariana)Where stories live. Discover now