You Can't Be A Hero.

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Life was good.

Izuku Yagi had a loving family. A father, a mother and a his little sister Izumi, whom he loved dearly. He and his sister were essentially the same person. They were big hero fanatics, especially of All Might. They grew up with Katsuki Bakugo, who was hotheaded, and brash. Izumi was a year younger, but they shared the same birthday. Izumi, like her brother wanted to be a hero. Izuku had asked his mother if they could check his and Izumi's quirk at the same time. Inko nearly shed a tear at what a loving brother her son was. She agreed.

Life was good.

Until Izumi turned four, that is.

Suddenly, life wasn't great.




His classmates beat him up daily. The teachers didn't bother about it. His friends? Kacchan was the worst. Home life grew cold. His mother and father slowly but surely shifted all their attention to Izumi, who had a powerful telekinetic quirk. It started off small. It got worse as time went on. Their seventh birthday party. Even though it was both their birthday, Izumi's gifts were much, much nicer. She got a pro hero figure collection set, signed by All Might himself. He got notebooks, for his habit. Soon, after every little slip up, he would be punished severely, from beatings, to going without food.

He didn't let the pain show. Izumi was one of the only things that kept him going. She still supported him and frequently defended him from Bakugo's onslaught. They had made a promise to each other. To become heroes, the best of the best. A silly thing like quirklessness can't break that promise. Izumi's smile was more than enough to see him through.

He would be a hero, one that saves everyone with a smile. They would do that together.

That was all he fought towards, all he fought for.

It got hard at times. It really did. Whenever he felt like he couldn't go on, he visited the comic book shop. The owner, a Hisashi Midoriya, was quirkless as well. Izuku would have a long chat with him, and occasionally Midoriya would take time off work and treat the kid to something nice. Hisashi eventually introduced him to his sister, who he lived with, a nice lady called May. And she would tell him the words he loved to hear. Words he would have loved to come from his father, Toshinori Yagi.

Words he needed to hear from his father. Or his mother.

"You can be a hero."

That was all Izuku needed to keep smiling. His sister and the Midoriyas.

It all came crashing down.

The last day of high school. You know how it goes.

"I'm going to U.A.! Don't lump me in with these extras!"

"Oh, Izuku, you're shooting for U.A. as well, correct?"


The class laughs. Bakugo attacks him.

"They got rid of the quirkless rule!" Izumi yells. "He can do it!"

That day ended with one of the worst beatings Izuku had ever gotten. When it was over, Bakugo said something that made Izuku's blood run cold.

"If you really wanna be a hero, just take a swan dive off a building. Maybe you'll have a quirk in your next life."

He walked off with his clique, leaving Izuku lying there, outside the school, broken, both on the inside and outside.

'Maybe... No. Izumi would probably kill me if I kill myself.' he thought to himself. He chuckled, trying to lift his spirits.

He pulled himself up from the ground. He picked up his burned notebook and flipped through it.

'Phew. I can still read it.' He slipped the notebook into his backpack, and began the journey home. He usually waited for Izumi, but he didn't want her to see him like this. He walked in silence. Bakugo's words playing on repeat.

"Nice, a medium sized skin-suit!"

Izuku looked around. Where had that voice come from? Before he could do anything, a viscous sludge-like substance very quickly overwhelmed him.

"Hold still kid!"

He began to suffocate.

Was this it?

He began to lose consciousness.


"Hey kid, you all right?" All Might was slapping Izuku lightly.

"AHH! All Might!"

"Yup! I took care of that villain for you!"

"U-Uh A-All M-Might! Can I have your autograph!"

"Way ahead of you, little one!"

All Might handed Izuku one of his notebooks, and sure enough, there it was.


"No problem!"

"I-I have a question."


"C-Can someone quirkless like me be a hero like you?"

All Might flinched slightly before answering.

"Q-Quirkless? No, I don't believe so. It's an admirable goal, but it's just not realistic. Why not become a police officer, or a firefighter, if you really want to help people?"

It was the same reasoning thing his parents gave whenever he brought it up. Izuku was too torn up to think about that now. His dreams were just shattered.

"You can't be a hero."

Author's note.

So this story has been cooking for a few months. I'm kinda going through writer's block right now and school isn't really helping things. I have about 20 chapters of this book done, so I'm going to be a bit more consistent here.

Thanks for reading

- binge.

PS: If you haven't yet, go watch Spider-Man: No Way Home. I'm not going to spoil it or anything, but please go watch it. It's great.

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