What Happened Next

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"Spider-Man?!" Izumi cried in shock. Wade stopped sweating and relaxed.

"Papa!" Eri almost jumped into the vigilante's arms out of Wade's

"Papa?!" The two girls shouted, incredulous looks on their faces.

"Yes, it is I! Spider-Papa!" The costumed figure laughed. "Making dad jokes while crawling up walls!"

The three girls giggled.

Spider-Man was doing a really impressive All Might impression. Under the mask, Izuku was trying to mask his voice so Izumi wouldn't recognize it.

"...Wait so you're actually her dad?" Uraraka asked.

"...Hold on. You actually Spider-Man?" Izumi inquired.

"Yup." Spidey, carefully holding Eri, leaped into the air and stayed there, latching on to the ceiling with just his fingers. Eri's smile began to give off light. Uraraka began to fidget in place. Izumi's gaze narrowed.

"A lot of people can do that."

"You're a deeply mistrusting person aren't you, young one? I respect that!" Izuku let out a deep belly chuckle, still emulating All Might. "No worries, I have a foolproof way to prove my identity."

He released his hold on the ceiling, and landed face to face with the girls.

"Greetings, young Uravity!"

The brunette's breath hitched, and she promptly passed out.

"Uraraka?" Izumi asked, concerned, seeing her friend go limp on her feet and she caught her before she could fall over. "Geez, you remind me too much of Izuku sometimes," she muttered, and Spider-Man faltered, and forgot to disguise his voice when he next spoke.

"C-Could you please keep this to yourselves? I'd prefer it if the world didn't know about her."

Izumi nodded slowly, and her eyes widened when she heard his voice. Izuku noticed her hesitation and mentally berated himself.

Luckily, Uraraka's eyes flew back open at that moment. Seeing Spider-Man standing before her, and realizing she hadn't been dreaming, she spoke up.

"Selfie," she demanded. Spider-Man chuckled and handed Eri to Wade, who was silent for fear revealing further secrets.

Not because the author forgot about him.

Nope. Not at all.

Yup, I most definitely remembered that he was there and could break the fourth wall.

Anyway, Uraraka pressed her phone into Izumi's hands. Spider-Man chuckled and moved to stand next to her. The brunette threw up a peace sign and Spidey did the same.

Izumi, still trying to comprehend what the hell was going on, shrugged and took the picture.

"Welp, it was nice seeing you girls, but I gotta go, like now."

He swung off, leaving Wade holding Eri. The four stared at each other. Wade left first, muttering goodbyes and hurling unsopken profanities at someone named binge, Eri peeking over his shoulder to wave at the girls. They waved back. Izumi turned to Uraraka, who was staring at the pitcture.

"Are you going to post-" The phone in Izumi's pocket vibrated. "Never mind. What do you think Mr. Aizawa will say?"

"He won't know!"

He knew.

Mic had shown him the picture. As soon as the students got back, he called out for Uraraka, and her face went pale. Izumi chuckled and followed her. Aizawa didn't bother to even ask what happened.

"I suppose it's preferable to you trying to fight and/or capture him. Even with Yagi there, as powerful as she is, he still could easily have run you two through the sewers and then hung you out to dry."

The two students were taken aback. 

'Was the vigilante really that experienced?' Izumi thought to herself.

Uraraka was bothered by something else, though.

"The sewers?" she asked. Aizawa hesitated, but didn't respond.

"If you run into a vigilante or villain again, don't take a picture. Let someone know immediately."

"Y-Yes sir."


"Dabi almost destroyed my suit. Can't even use these pants anymore."

"Can't say you didn't deserve it, from what I heard." 

"Welp, guess it is what it is. Guess I'll wear sweatpants or something," Izuku thought aloud. Wade raised an eyebrow.

"Sweatpants?" he asked.

"I'm not swinging around in jeans," Izuku scoffed. "Plus sweatpants are freer compared to the usual tights, so that's a bonus."

"Why don't you just throw on a jacket or a hoodie or something to complete the casual look?" Wade said sarcastically. Izuku dropped the burnt spandex to the ground.

"That's a great idea!" He exclaimed. "I'll ask Eri what she thinks I should wear."

Izuku hopped out of the window, swinging towards Hisashi's.

"Oh, he's actually doing it," Wade said to himself, walking over to shut the window. Walking to his room, he nearly tripped on the discarded burnt pants on the ground. Seeing it jogged his memory.

"Hey... Is Izuku wearing pants?"

As an answer to his question, a banging noise came from the window.

Wade ran over to let him in, and doubled over in laughter.

There was Izuku in literally just a mask and spider-print briefs.

"You...uh...You look good!" Wade snickered, after recovering from his fit of laughter.

"Go cut off your head," Izuku muttered, slinking back to his room.

"Been there, done that!"

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now