Sting Like A Bee

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"Izuku did all this?"

"Well, most of it. He... left it... unfinished. I completed it."

"I- This is-"

"The kid always had a talent for art. Drawing heroes in those notebooks of his was something he  really enjoyed."

"T-That's true."

"...Do you need a minute?"

"Y-Yeah, thanks."

"You know where to find me."

Izumi traced her eyes over every inch of the beautiful mural of heroes that Izuku had created.

"Nii-chan, I-I'm going to do all I can to be the greatest hero. Just like we promised."


"You want to take over the League of Villains!?" Shigaraki screamed. He and Kurogiri had agreed to meet with the head of the Yakuza. The location was an abandoned building. It was heavily guarded by Yakuza henchmen. The two League members there were at a huge disadvantage.

"I believe I was clear with my wording," Overhaul said calmly. "The League as it stands is incredibly weak and unorganized. On top of that, you fools don't even have a goal other than 'kill All Might.'"

"So what?! You NPCs don't even have a purpose!" Shigaraki shot back. Overhaul frowned under his mask, and glared angrily at Shigaraki, who didn't flinch.

"My goals are beyond your understanding," he said slowly.


"If I may," Kurogiri interrupted his fuming boss. "As he has said, we have no intention of accepting that offer."

"Shame," Overhaul said. "Nice to see your associate is a reasonable fellow. Too bad you can't join us. Here." The Yakuza man pulled out a small box and opened it, showing the two the contents.

"These are seven doses of Trigger. Take them. If you ever change your mind, you know where to get mor-"

"Oh, I didn't know the head of the Yakuza was a doctor!"

Shigaraki's eyes narrowed. "You. Sensei's mentioned you before."

"Spider-Man." Overhaul leaned forward in his seat.

The spandex wearing figure that had burst into the room bowed.

"Nice to see you too, Mr. Overhaul Yakuza Boss sir," he joked, saluting.

Shigaraki sent a questioning glare at Overhaul, who ignored him and and pushed a button on the wall nearby. Another man in red and black stepped in after Spider-Man.

"What does a vigilante have to do to get some whiskey around here?"

"DP, you take Big Bird. I'll take Too Many Hands over here," Spider-Man said, before the villains could react to Deadpool.

Shigaraki grabbed the case and cried for Kurogiri to get them out of there. Kurogiri's suit gave way to purple mist and Shigaraki stepped through.

"Oh, no you don't!"

Spider-Man dived into the mist and the three of them disappeared from the room. Deadpool turned to Overhaul.

"Just between me and you, I've always hated Sesame Street." Deadpool grinned under his mask. "Man, it's been way too long since I've had any action!"

"You're a vigilante, you say? That's a relief," Overhaul said, removing his gloves. "It shouldn't take too long to cut out this tumor."

"Man, Spidey was right! What's with all the doctor talk?" Deadpool rushed at Overhaul, who calmly placed an arm on the his table, an in the blink of an eye, the desk had contorted and disfigured itself into a spike that went straight through Deadpool's chest.

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now