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Overhaul lay lifeless on the ground. Spider-Man stared at his fist, then back at the villain on the ground. He heard voices. Looking up, he saw a few more men in plaugue masks. He took Eri and left. He refused to put the girl in any more danger.

He returned to his flat, where he had laid the girl in his bed. Luckily, Wade wasn't around. He climbed in the window, and watched her sleep. Understandably, she was exhausted.

She'd been going through this since she turned four, maybe even before that. Spider-Man searched the net for any missing kids reports. She didn't match any description. He ended up accessing government files.


As far as the world was concerned, she didn't exist. Just like how the quirkless didn't exist.

He sat at the girl's side. She was asleep.

"What do I do with her?" he wondered aloud. "If I take her to the authorities, I have to say how I came across her... and then Spider-Man no more..."

She started to stir. She opened her eyes and looked around. She sat upright, a terrified look on her face. Izuku noticed this and patted her head softly.

"It's alright kid, Overhaul can't hurt you anymore."

Eri didn't stop shaking, however. Izuku reached into his pocket, pulled out his mask and put it on.

"Remember me?"

Eri burst into tears and latched onto Izuku. "I said I'll keep you safe, and believe me, I will."

Spider-Man just held the girl, letting her cry all her sufferings into his chest. When she finally calmed down, he wiped away her tears.


"Yeah, Eri?"

"Why did you save me?"

'If I had a nickel for everytime someone asked me that, I'd have two nickels. Not a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice,' Izuku thought.

"Why would you ask me that, Eri?"

"O-Overhaul always said th-tha-"

"Y'know what? It doesn't matter what he said. He's a big poopyhead!"

Eri giggled.

"So, Overhaul isn't your dad. Do you have any idea who your parents are?"

"I think Overhaul was supposed to be my new father..."

"Nope. Poopyheads can't be fathers," Izuku said, in a serious voice, causing Eri to giggle again. "A father is someone who takes care of you... someone that picks you up when you fall down. Someone that would do anything for you. Someone that loves you and wants to make you smile. Did Overhaul do any of that for you?"


"See? Now, say it as loud as you can. Overhaul is a big..."

"Poopyhead!" They both laughed.

"Um, Spider-Man?"

"Yes, Eri?"

"C-Can you be my new Papa?"


"Ah-I'm sorry!"

"No! Wait! Why do you want me to be your papa?"

"Because you said a f-father is someone who takes care of you, and would do anything to make you smile, a-and you already do that for me."


Eri used puppy-dog eyes!

It's very effective!

"...My name is Izuku... Midoriya, and I'll be your new dad."

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now