Fated Battle Between Men

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It was Izuku's first day in class. He had gotten to know his classmates and spent time with them, so apart from Bakugo's angry glaring, the attention wasn't on him, which he was grateful for.

"Midoriya, come over here." Aizawa said, beckoning Izuku to the front of the class. Izuku internally groaned, and walked up to the teacher. "We had a faculty meeting the other day discussing you. "


"It's illogical having you be a normal student. You're essentially already a fully fledged hero. You're now a teacher's assistant, and you'll have all the perks that come with being a faculty member. Which aren't that much." he added that last bit quietly, but the class heard everything else and was now staring at him in awe. "You're still a student, mind you. You might be a fine hero, but you're still a little rough around the edges."

"O-Oh. Cool."

"What is it?" the teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, it's nothing. I expected some kind of payback for the whole 'sewer' thing." Izuku explained. "Glad we can put that behind us. The past is in the past, right? We gotta keep moving forward-"

"Not by a long shot, problem child," Aizawa grinned. "Your fate for that has already been decided."

"C-Crap. Is Hawks involved?" he asked. Aizawa's evil grin grew. "Crap."

Izuku returned to his seat with his head hung low.

"Hey, Izuku?" Izumi asked, getting her brother's attention.  "He's mentioned sewers before. What's that about?" she asked. Ochaco looked up, also curious.

"...I'll tell you some other time," he whispered, eyeing Aizawa, who still had a smile on his face.


There wasn't a hero training class today, so the day passed pretty quickly with no major events. After Izumi eagerly showed him around the entire campus, Izuku trudged to his room, all tuckered out, and eager to collapse into bed. He'd put in some Spider-Man time after a quick nap. Opening the door to his new room, he came face to face with an angry Bakugo. Izuku groaned, his dreams of a nap crushed.

"You think you can just come out of nowhere and show me up?" Bakugo snarled. "No matter what you do, you'll always be worthless."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night, man," Izuku said, refusing to let Bakugo get under his skin.

"I'll-I'll rearrange your face!" the ash-blonde shot back, shocked that Izuku was calm.

"Cool. I always wondered how birds see, with their eyes on the sides of their head. The peripheral vision must be crazy," he said, taking books out of his bag.

"TAKE. ME. SERIOUSLY!" Bakugo yelled, yanking a schoolbook out of Izuku's hands.

"No, I don't think I will." Izuku said calmly. "Could you please drop my book and leave?"

The ash-blonde growled and looked at the book in his hand, before a smirk crossed his face. He opened the window a crack, before blowing up the book, and tossing it out the window. Izuku saw red and finally snapped.

"You really want a fight, don't you?" Izuku asked, his voice dangerously calm, and his hands balled into fists.

He roared and dived towards Bakugo, who froze because of the feral look on Izuku's face. Izuku tackled the boy, and they crashed through the glass. The two sailed out the window, and Izuku was punching Bakugo all the way down. They landed on the grass below, and rolled a short ways. Bakugo acted first, using his explosions to boost himself off the ground and towards Izuku, who rolled out of the way, then he too got to his feet.

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