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Midoriya woke up the next morning in a bed in a room he didn't recognize at first. Blinking, he immediately noticed a weight on his chest. He shifted his gaze downwards from the ceiling and saw the cause. Uraraka was sleeping peacefully on his chest. He frowned. Sure, he liked her, and maybe she liked him, but he didn't want Spider-Man to put her in danger. He then noticed something. He still had the suit on. Uraraka didn't care. She had a small, but content smile on her face. At this point he realized that he also had his arms around her, and there was a blanket over the both of them. 

"This is nice," he sighed, accepting the circumstances.

"...yeah... nice..." the brunette muttered.

"'re awake...I.. uhhh...." Izuku began to stammer, but Ochaco put a finger to his mouth, shutting him up.

"Don't make it awkward, please," she said, still half-asleep.

"Mhm." He nodded and she took her finger off his lips. "This is nice," he repeated.

"Yeah... it is," she agreed.

The two fell back into a comfortable silence, before Izuku broke it again. 

"Hey, so I was gonna ask you out," he said.

"Really?" Uraraka looked at him, intrigued.

"Mhm, and then when you said no, I was going to tell Izumi to stop pestering me."

"What? I wouldn't have said no!"

"So you're saying yes?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah!" They looked at each other, before both flushing red due to her outburst.

"...are we a couple now?" he asked quietly.

"...I guess?" she said, blushing. The two fell quiet, enjoying the feeling of the other's warmth.

"You think we're moving too quickly?" he wondered aloud. "I'm new to the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing."

"So am I. And maybe we are," she said, before snuggling in his chest. "But this is nice."

"Yeah it is," he said, letting his eyes close.

"Having fun?"

The two looked over, and saw Izumi and Mina grinning at them at the door. Uraraka flushed as red as a tomato and disappeared under the covers.

"H-How long have you two been watching us?" Izuku asked, managing to keep his cool.

"Long enough," Mina said, grinning.

"Should've gotten up earlier," Izuku muttered.

"Nope, wouldn't've helped." Izumi smiled. "You two slept on the couch remember? I moved you two to the room with my quirk."

"You are moving pretty quickly..." Mina said, a finger on her chin "You two barely know each other..."

"I feel like we know each other pretty well." Izuku said.

"Hey, Uraraka, what's Izuku's favorite food?" his sister asked.

"Katsudon..." came her voice from under the blanket.

Izumi nodded in approval.

"Hey, Spider-Man, what's Uraraka's favorite food?" Mina asked, echoing her friend.

"Mochi, right?" Mina nodded. "You're the one that asked me if I was single, right?" he asked.

"W-What? Nooo..." she denied..

"Yeah, it was her," Uraraka said, peeking out from under the blanket, reveling in Mina's betrayed expression, before turning back to her new boyfriend.  "How did you know?" she asked.

"I didn't. Izumi was my next guess," he admitted.

"Hey!" Both matchmakers exclaimed, pouting. Izumi turned to Mina. "C'mon, let's give the lovebirds some alone time."

The two left and Izuku and Ochaco sighed as the door closed, and immediately groaned when they heard it open up again.

"Papa?" said a small voice.

"Hey, Eri." Still pinned down by Ochaco, Izuku waved his daughter over. She ran over to him and climbed onto the bed.

"You weren't there when I woke up!" she said, pouting. Izuku chuckled and patted her head. Ochaco smiled at the interaction between the two, then looked away. Izuku caught on and smiled. Freeing his other arm, he used it to pat Ochaco as well, and while she blushed, she didn't shy away from his touch.

Eri now noticed the woman on top of her father. She was the same nice lady she met when Izuku was out cold. Aunt Izumi had introduced her as her best friend. She thought for a while and eventually came to a conclusion. Leaning towards her dad, she whispered something into his ear, and his eyes widened.

"W-What'd she say?" Ochaco asked, a little sad that the head rubs stopped.

"Uhhh..." Izuku took a deep breath before continuing. "So you know how we're giving this whole relationship thing a try?"


"And you know how I'm Eri's dad?"

"Yes.. Did she...?" she asked, her eyes growing, realizing were he was going.

"Would you be her mom?" he asked, carefully.

"I-" she started, about to say she can't just decide on the spot, then she saw the look in Eri's eyes, and her indecision faded away. She smiled at Eri, and pulled her onto her father, who smiled and embraced the two girls.

"I guess this makes us a family," he said.

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now