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Spider-Man peered into the room. There were the two heroes, All Might lying in a bed, with his sides bandaged up, his partner Psy-Em sitting next to his bed. He took a deep breath and walked in.

"Spider-Man?" Psy-Em wondered aloud as Spidey entered. "What is it?" she asked. The vigilante didn't answer, instead, he stared at All Might, the number one hero, who was starting to get uncomfortable. The atmosphere felt tense.

"You never answered my question, y'know," Spider-Man finally said.

"What?" All Might asked, confused. "What question?"

The vigilante sighed and raised his hands to his neck, slipping his fingers under his mask. He took a deep breath and took the mask off completely, letting the bush of green hair fall out. Inko turned white as a sheet, and All Might seemed to freeze on the spot.

"Izuku...?" Inko said, slowly and quietly.


"Where did you get a quirk?" All Might said, interrupting Izuku's train of thought.

"...What?" Izuku, caught off-guard by the sudden question.

"Where- Who gave you a quirk?" All Might asked again.

"Who gave- no-one!" Izuku realized what All Might was getting at, and he got mad. "Hold on. You think- You think that-"

 "Toshi!" Inko scolded her husband. "Izuku, please calm down."

"Why should I?" he yelled, and stepped closer to All Might. "Muscles-for-brains, if I was working for your worst enemy, you wouldn't be alive right now. Not only would that 'thing' hurt you so much more, I would consider killing you myself! I saved your life, idiot! Frankly, it's a miracle I didn't become a villain!" Izuku stopped ranting to catch his breath, still glaring angrily at All Might.

"You certainly didn't want me to be a hero," he finished. "If I remember right, you said, I 'didn't have what it takes.'" Izuku let out a deep breath and turned to Psy-Em.

"I-Izuku, I-" she started, stumbling over her words.

"Hey, Inko. You remember the last time we met?" he asked in a calm voice, receiving a tearful nod. 

"Did you tell anyone?" he followed up, and she shook her head slowly, refusing to look at Toshinori. Izuku thought for a second. Izumi her told him that Inko was really trying to be better. He sighed and opened his arms.

"Would you like a hug?"

With surprising speed, Inko wrapped her arms around the vigilante. Looking down at his mother, who was sobbing and muttering apologies into his chest, Izuku was at a loss, then he heard her say something.

"It doesn't matter what we or anyone else says... You're a hero."

Izuku smiled and hugged her a little tighter.

"Thanks," he whispered. "Better late than never, right?"

"Izuku?" Toshinori, who'd switched out of his buff form, spoke up again.


"Who gave you that quirk?" he asked again, firmer this time around. Izuku's eyes narrowed.

"Do you even care- a spider did. A spider gave me this power." he snapped. All Might's expression didn't change, and Izuku didn't wait for him to speak again.

"I don't care if you think I'm lying. My power doesn't matter. I died. Do you even care that I'm here? Is your greatest enemy who you think about all the time?"

"Your son. Your son just came back from the dead, and your first thought is 'how'd he get that power?'" he continued, his voice raising again.

Izuku sighed, calming himself down. "You still haven't answered my question, y'know? Would you have treated Izumi the same way? If she was quirkless?" All Might paused, and Izuku turned around to leave.

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now