The Shoulder Touch

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The students and teachers watched as the vigilante tied up all the villains  and dragged them to the Central Plaza, just as Iida arrived. On such short notice, he was able to get Present Mic, Midnight and Recovery Girl to heal the heroes that had gotten hurt. When they actually got there, however, most of the villains had broken bones and Shigaraki needed intensive care. Present Mic made a quick phone call to notify all the heroes on the way that all was well, the villains had been taken down. Midnight helped Recovery Girl load the villains into an ambulance.

"Hey Midnight?" Spider-Man called out.

"What is it, hot stuff~?" she spun around and faced the vigilante, pushing out her chest.

"That one has a warp quirk," he pointed to Kurogiri. "Could you ride with him in case he wakes up?"

"Sure thing, Spidey~"

The 18+ Rated Hero winked at the vigilante and left with the villains. Kaminari and Mineta stared at the vigilante in shock. 

'Who is this guy?! Midnight was basically seducing him, and he didn't care! It didn't even phase him! How!?'

Truth is, Izuku didn't have the energy left to care. He had been running on adrenaline, and now that Eri was safe, all that exertion was catching up to him.


The spandex-clad figure turned towards the student that just called him. He made eye-contact with Izumi. He began to slowly make his way to the greenette.

"Don't try anything!" Iida warned.

Spider-Man said nothing and didn't break eye-contact with Izumi. He was getting closer. The heroes and heroes-in-training watched the vigilante. Izumi had an inkling of a hope that Spider-Man was someone she wanted to see.

The vigilante got face-to-face with Izumi. He placed a weak hand on her shoulder. The atmosphere was tense.


To everyone else watching, Izumi then tackled the vigilante, causing them both to fall to the ground. Eraser got up, ready to assist his student in a fight. Then both the student and the spider sat up, and the sight shocked everyone. Izumi was hugging the vigilante, and crying, burying her tears in his shoulder. The heroes and the students were at a loss. All Might recovered first and took action.

"Izumi! Step away fro-"

"Shut up, Dad!" Izumi blurted out. "Just... stop." She hugged Spider-Man tighter, refusing to let go. 

"...copycat...I yelled at him first..." Spider-Man whispered. Izumi let out a small chuckle.

"Shut up, idiot. Let me have this. I just got you back."

"Uraraka, Izumi is stealing your man," Ashido teased Uraraka, who promptly hit her and blushed angrily.

"Um, why is Yagi hugging Spider-Man?" Kaminari asked, confused.

"Am I the only one that finds it hilarious that she chose Spider-Man over Bakugo?" Kaminari laughed, ducking an explosion from the explosive teen.

Spider-Man's grip on Izumi tightened. She smiled. It really was him, ever so over-protective, and back from the dead.

"Don't worry, he has no chance." she whispered.

"Okay, little listener. You should let go of the bad vigilante now," Mic said, walking over with the pros. Tears still in her eyes, Izumi's head shot up, and she glared viscously at the Radio Hero.

"Bad? BAD?!?" Izumi began to yell at Present Mic, who hastily stepped back. "HE'S BEEN PUTTING HIS LIFE ON THE LINE! FOR FREE! AND YOU DAR-mmph"

"'s fine..." Spider-Man said, pushing Izumi's head into his chest, shutting her up.

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now