Thrill of the Hunt

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Eri was a joy to have around. True to his word, he did his best to act as a father to the young girl. When Wade returned home, he did the courtesy of introducing the two, then promptly left, refusing to let Eri and Deadpool spend any amount of time together. He took her to meet Hisashi and May.

When he went to the Midoriya household, he was immediately made aware that Hisashi hadn't told his sister about him yet.

When Hisashi let him and Eri in, May caught sight of the Spider-Man carrying Eri in;

gasped in shock,
felt weak and went into a daze,
nearly fainted/ had a heart attack,
then she pulled herself together,
and attacked it to save the little girl.

In that order.

Luckily, Hisashi grabbed her before she could reach Izuku and Eri. The little girl was a little shaken, but Izuku chuckled and  softly ran his fingers through her hair, calming her down.

"Who are you? Let go of the girl!"

"Who am I...? You don't know...? Oh..." Izuku hung his head. Eri looked up at him and pumped her fists.

"Don't be sad, Mr. Izuku! I know who you are!" Spider-Man ruffled her hair again, then he pulled off his mask, stunning the woman, who stopped struggling in Hisashi's grip. While she was frozen, Izuku took the chance to do introductions.

"Eri, the nice lady is..." Izuku thought for a while. "...your Great-Aunt May.

She glared at him.

"You can just call her Aunt May," he added quickly.

Her gaze softened.

" I do."

May's eyes began to well up with tears. Izuku let Eri down and stretched out his arms. May embraced him in a hug and began to cry happy tears.

Eri looked at the duo in confusion, Hisashi chuckled and explained to her

"They're really happy to see each other."

"But she's crying?"

"People sometimes cry because they're happy, not just because they're sad."

"Hi-sa-shi~" May said in a sing-song voice. He trembled in fear.


"Did you know Izuku was alive before today?" she asked, a sweet smile on her lips.

"Y-Yes?" he answered, unsure of his fate. May snapped and lunged at him. Hisashi screamed in fear and dashed away. Izuku chuckled and took Eri to the kitchen to make a snack for her. She watched the Midoriya siblings run around their living room, and she giggled.

"Those two are sister and brother," Izuku told Eri. "I have a sister. She'd be your Aunt Izumi!"

Eri, who had now come to appreciate Hisashi and May, was excited at the prospect of a new family member.

"We can't go see her right now, though." Eri nodded, but was a little disappointed. "Don't worry though, I'll tell you all about her!"


U - Is hero work worth it?

SM - that was outta nowhere
SM - why?

U -  No reason.

SM - are you having second thoughts?

U - ...Maybe.

SM - thats fair
SM - being a hero is dangerous
SM - from what i hear, it pays really well tho

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now