Hive Mind

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"You sure you have the right guy? I know I wear red, but I'm not Winne the Pooh. I don't steal your honey," Spider-Man joked.

The cloud of insects didn't reply. Instead it began to get wilder in form.

"Uh... Hello?"

The bees suddenly lashed out at the confused vigilante. The bees split apart and began sting and scrtch at him. Spider-sense overwhelmed the young wannabe hero. It was alerting him from all directions. He panicked and swatted at the air, he dashed for the fountain, holping to dive in.

He didn't make it, and he fell to the ground, the bees swarming around his body. He winced in pain.

'Wow, I died to bees? That's...embarassing...'


The sonic blast cut through the air and dispersed the bees, they flew away in seperate directions.


"..P-Present Mic...?" Spider-Man identified his surprise savior.

"Dude, you good?" The pro hero crouched over the vigilante. Spidey, ever the joker, began to sing softly.

"...When t-the b-bee stings, I-I s-simply r-remember my favorite things..."

"Pfft- Hey, w-wake up!" The pro hero stopped snickering when Spider-Man stopped responding. He pulled out his phone, and called-

"Shota! Get over here!"


Wade, get up. Kick off those crocs. The plot needs you.

"C'mon man, this is my me time!"

Missed the part where that was my problem.


Eraser Head met up with Present Mic, and the two of them took Spider-Man to be healed by Recovery Girl.

"What happened."

"What did we say about tone, Eraser?"

"WHERE-" Eraser cleared his throat. "Where the hell did you pop out from?"

"binge brought me here for plot reasons."


"Good use of tone. I can't tell you how I got here, but I can tell you the why, Pencil Head."

'Pencil Head?' Eraser and Mic thought.

"I'm here to make sure you guys don't take off his mask."

"You know this guy, Sho- Eraser?" Mic asked.

"Yeah, he's Spider-Man's sidekick," Eraser replied, glaring at his friend for almost giving away his identity.


Spidey had woken up a few seconds ago and after making sure that his mask was still on, he made the executive decision to shut up his friend.

"Hi, Mic," Spider-Man said, sitting on the edge of the cot. "Thanks for that."

"Thank Eraser! He's the one that asked me to keep an eye on you!" Present Mic replied jovially, and Eraser glared at him again. "...I wasn't supposed to tell him that, was I?"

"Too late." Eraser sighed and turned to Spider-Man. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know! Don't look at me like that!"


"You're in time out." Spider-Man said. "...Actually, I might have an idea. It's crazy, but it's the only one I've got."

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now