The Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku Midoriya

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"Can't take naps anymore, it's like I still live with Wade," Izuku muttered, blinking the sleep from his eyes. He sat up in bed and met his sister's excited face.

"I just remembered our bet!" she exclaimed eagerly.

"What bet?"

"Don't you remember?" She plopped down on the bed, grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "The thing about our Hero names!"

"I-I t-think I-I w-would r-remember s-something l-like t-that, I-Izumi," Izuku said, before smacking Izumi's hands off him.

"You picked an dumb and uncreative hero name!" she said, and the memory came rushing back.

"Hey! It's not dumb!" he defended.


"I-In my defense, it was a picked in the moment, I didn't really have time to think about it."

"You owe me...." Izumi started, before Izuku interrupted her.

"Don't even. We didn't put anything on that bet," Izuku squashed her hopes.  Izumi pouted. He sighed. "Fine. I owe you a favor. That good?"

"I guess." The grin returned to her face, making Izuku question his choice. He sighed and hopped out of bed.

"I need to go see Nezu. I wanna put in some Spidey time. Now get out so I can put on the suit."

"But I wanna see the new suit!" she said. Izuku and Mei Hatsume, one of the support course students, had made an improved version of the Spider-Man suit.

"You wanna see me in my underwear?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I-" Izumi paused. "Yes?"



"Midoriya. I can allow you to continue to be Spider-Man, but I can't get you a license, at least not yet," Nezu said, sipping from a tea cup. Sitting across from him was Izuku, who was wearing a trench coat over his costume, so he could get to the office without raising any eyebrows.

"So I'm still on the wrong side of the law?" he asked.

"In the public perception, yes," the chimera confirmed. "I could have Tsukauchi let the authorities know that you're all right, but I have a feeling that's not what you want, is it?" Nezu grinned hopefully, and Izuku smiled.

"Yeah, my sister said something the other day," he said.

'If All Might represents peace, then Spider-Man represents the people.'

"I'd like to have that connection to the regular guy for as long as I can, if that's alright?"

"Of course! It's less of a hassle for me. And the small chance that you might fight a hero is quite entertaining to me."

Izuku chuckled and got to his feet, slipping off the coat and pulling the mask on.

"Most pros generally don't attack me, and I'm friends with some of them. I'll be fine, as long as I don't run into someone as headstrong as Endeavour," he said, opening the window.

"Hold on a second," Nezu said, stopping Izuku from climbing out the window. The teen turned to the principal, a restless look on his face. The principal took another sip, and pointed to the coat, discarded haphazardly on the chair.

"Oh, sorry." Izuku picked it up and carefully folded it. "Uh, where do I..."

"Isn't that Ectoplasm's?" Nezu asked, and Izuku froze.

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now