Debut of a Vigilante

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"What's your favorite color?"

"That's random. Why?"

"What's your favorite color?"

"Ugh. Green."

"Just because of our hair? Nii-chan, that's boring!"

"Wha- No! I actually like green!"

"Yeah, right. You just don't want to think."

"Whatever. What about you?"

"Red!! Red? One of the two. Or both."

"And you accuse me of not thinking."



Memories were swirling in Izuku's mind. He remembered a fire. Was... was Hisashi alright...? Yes.. Izumi had saved him. But explosion. He'd ignored the tingling in his head. What had happened next?

He opened his eyes. He was buried under rubble. He tried moving, put pain flooded his senses. A piece of metal was protruding from his thigh. He was pinned down. He blinked away tears and tried moving again, this time fighting through the pain. He placed his palms on the large piece of wall that was pinning him down. He pushed with all his strength. It felt lighter than he expected.

'Oh yeah, super strength. I wonder if-'

No, this wasn't the time for that. He had no idea how long he'd been there, buried in the concrete and ashes. He could no longer hear the bustle of the crowd of onlookers. He dug his way out into the open air and took a deep breath.

Bad idea. The fire was out, but the air wasn't great to breathe.

He coughed violently. The metal in his thigh cut a little bit deeper. He winced in pain. He gingerly placed his fingers on it and yanked it out in one swift motion. He hissed and bit his lip. He took off his backpack and tore off a piece of fabric to use to wrap the wound.

He looked around.  It was dark out. He'd been buried for hours. If not for the spider that bit him, he'd be dead. He got up.

"I gotta get hom-"

"Who's there?" A hardened voice interrupted him. The was clear malice behind it.

Izuku, wisely, shut up.

"It's nothing, man," another voice said. "You're being paranoid."

"It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you," his partner countered. 


One of the voices was gagged.

"Shut up, you. It's not our fault you bumped into us. We're on the run, and we can't have you blabbing to the authorities."

Izuku's heartbeat quickened. Criminals, and they had a hostage.

'I gotta do something!' he thought. 'But I can't- NO! That's how Hisashi got hurt! Never again!'

He already had spandex wrapped around his neck. He pulled it over his nose and mouth, and leapt into action, ignoring the stinging pain he was in. It was two men, one leaning against the wall, and the other wrestling with a young woman who was gagged.

"Who are you?!"

"Leave her alone!" the masked figure said.

"You just had to butt in, didn't you?"

The man activated his quirk, creating clones of himself. The masked figure looked around in shock. All the clones rushed him.

"Attack of the Clones wasn't that good," the masked figure said.

Spectacular Spider-Man: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now