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5 months later.

Ky p.o.v

We were on the plane headed back to atl. Just for a little while though. I must admit that I really like san Diego. It's better here. For my family and especially the baby.

We boarded the airplane and the flight attendent looked familiar from far way . She walked over to where me and keion were sitting " peanuts ? " she asked in a tone that seemed like she didn't wanna be here . Markyle took off his beats and looked at the woman " mom ? " he said . Keion and keirstain looked so confused . Aw damn I thought I would never see her again . " aw here are my babies what are yall doing here" she said . Kyle just looked at her sideways and I didn't say anything . " baby's " dee questioned . " as far as I'm concerned , you walked out on them and put my ass up for adoption so save that shit " he simply said not looking up from his laptop . " when are yall going to let that go ? That was over 20 years ago . We can't EVER get that time back so leave it at that " she said tearing up . I sat in my seat not even paying her attention " sorry but you weren't the one who was abandoned " markyle said slipping his beats back on .

" hi mama well I'm kys husband keion , nice to meet you " keion stood up and shook her hand . His ole friendly ass . " nice to meet you baby , apparently I wasn't invited to the wedding to know that my daughter was becoming a wife " she said and walked away quickly .
I put my earphones on and sat on my laptop to email my daddy . He's doing good as far as I know . He stay checking up on us since his job makes him move around a lot .

After a few hours we arrived in atl . " home sweet home " keion said .
I made sure we had our cars we left here so we won't have to rent any , I gave the keys to the only person I trust that's still here which is Keshaun . We walked outside and my car was here and so was Keshaun and Dashaun . " sup ma , good to see you " Keshawn said to me and him and keion spoke and dapped while keion and Dashawn just exchanged looks .
" let's go " deshaun said annoyed to Keshawn . He laughed " alright bye I'll see yall before you leave " he said walking off .

Deshauns P.O.V

I hate that Keshaun and kys relationship is better than ours . I hate that she is having a kid by that nigga , I hate that they married , I hate that they basically already have a daughter . I hate that I didn't fix our relationship before this happened .

Don't think I'm jealous or nothing though . I can get her back if I wanted too . She just don't know that .

is it bad that I'm in love with a girl that I've only seem to meet in my dreams now ? Is it bad that I've never loved someone as much as I love her . When I see her it's like the world stops and stays still and we are the only 2 people on this earth . I can admit that I'm jealous of my half brother ... Yeah I said half brother , she doesn't know that though , he doesn't know that I'm in love with her and it's gonna stay that way .. Me and keion have the same mom that's how we are related . Right now , he doesn't even have a clue that me and ky know each other like that , he thinks I saved her from basically being raped and I left it at that , I fell in love with her that day and I'm not giving up . She'll see me soon , very soon . People might think I'm wrong for being in love with my brothers wife but it is what it is .. He gets everything and that stops now

Ky P.O.V

we walked into my old house , it looked just as I left it 2 months ago . I missed my house , the house of when I conceived my child , when I found out I was pregnant , the house I raised markyle in , the house i fell in love all over again .

I walked up to my room and I sat there until the boys finished bringing our stuff into our house . I keep feeling these pains in my side , I suppose it's the baby but who knows . I guess I'll just have to thug it out . I can't cry cause that's gay.

When my baby gets here I'll give him the world . I pray that he doesn't turn out like half these no good men out here . " knock knock " Paris said before she came in . She supposed to pop next week and she ready to get it done now . She waddled over to my bed and sat down " hey boo how are you " she said in a perky voice " my side really hurts and it won't go away , so I guess you can say I'm doing bad " I said laying on my back .

" how long has it been since you went to the doctor ? " she asked . " I don't know a month or two I guess " I said putting my hands on my baby bump .
" girl , you can't be doing that . Something can really be wrong with your baby boy and you wouldn't know cause yo ass won't go to the doctor ! Get up now and let's go " she said firmly so I listened .
When we walked downstairs the boys were sitting on the couch watching the game , Carl , keion and Kyle and a familiar face that I found out to be Kingston retarded ass . " hey bae " he said hugging me " hey fool I've missed you " I said hugging him back " same here " he said walkin back to the couch .

We left and I shot keion and Kyle a text saying we would be right back . London was outside playing basketball with keirstain so we didn't bother them . We got into the car and drove to the emergency room

@ the hospital

When we got there , we got a room right away . " hello mrs Manison , how are you ? " the perky Caucasian woman said " not too good , I'm 5 months and I keep having pain in my side and my back but I don't feel my son " I said in a worried tone .
" okay mrs lady , first we have to set you up with a sonogram just to see if the baby's okay and we can go from there " she said .
She rubbed that stuff on my stomach and touched it with her tool And I can soon see my son on the screen . She pointed him out too me . " oh that's odd , he's not moving , I have to go get a doctor " she said hurrying out of the room .
I looked at Paris , almost about to cry , " don't worry just yet , you don't know what's happening " she said coming close to me and sitting on my bed . " my baby's not moving Paris ! And it's my fault for not going to the doctor! " I said bursting into tears .

The doctor walked in and took a look on the sonogram . " okay Mrs.Manison . It seems as if your umbilical cord has rapped around the fetuses head , therefore making him not be able to move . I recommend you have him now then to wait , to make sure he is okay and safe " the doctor said. That made me cry even more .
I agreed to the surgery and they rushed me right in after keion , Kyle and dakarie arrived . " it's okay baby , our son is going to be alright " keion said squeezing my hand , showing his nervousness .

They gave him scrubs to put on and we went right into the surgery , he held my hand through it all .

After the birth

" he's okay " the doctor said wiping my baby off . He wrapped him up ad handed him too me . I cried and I cried just too see my baby was here in this world with me . Just too know that he is okay and nothin went wrong is a blessing . You could tell keion was tearing up a little and it was funny , " okay you guise do to your baby being born so early , he will have to be here instead of going home just to watch and see when he can go home " the doctor said .
I'm not feeling that but I'll do whatever just for my baby .
" okay that's fine " we both agreed .
Markyle and dakarie walked into the room , " let me hold my nephew " Kyle said . " no me first I'm her twin " dakarie said pushing him out the way . " what's his name " dakarie asked .
I looked up at keion " Prince Kyrie Reynolds " I said . I picked his middle name bc markyle nickname is Kyle and dakarie is where I got "rie " from .

I started crying again out of nowhere , I can't believe my baby is here .
About 5 minutes later the door opened and a familiar person walked in and hugged keion . Wth is going on here 😑 I looked up at the boy and didn't say anything " happy to see me " he asked in a cocky voice .

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