Chapter 3

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~A few weeks later~
Me and Some of the village kids are playing around when Señorita Pepa came "y/n I'm so sorry to bother you but do you mind watching tonio, we're just all so busy right now and there's no one to watch tonio an-" I cut her off before she starts thundering "of course I'll watch tonio Pepa" she thanks me and gives me a big hug and I hug here back. I waved by to the kids and made my way to Castia.

I got to castia "hola castia have you seen Antonio?" I asked castia brings me outside to the back where Antonio is. I see him and he looks upset. I go sit next to him

"Hey Antonio are you ok?" I ask concerned he doesn't answer "I don't want to do this but I guess I'll have to" I say as I start to tickle him and he starts laughing.

"S-stop p-please y/n stop!" he says while laughing I keep ticking him

Camilo pov:
I heard y/n was at castia with tonio and I had a joke for her but I had extra chores today we all did I was tired already but mostly exited to see y/n! Since these past few weeks past me and y/n got closer and I wanna tell her how I feel but I don't know if she'll feel the same way. I haven't seen her yet. I have one more babysitting job to do left than I can go see y/n!

All I thought about while doing my chores was y/n and how perfect her smile is and her perfectly nice E\C eyes and they're personality and everything about y/n just makes her y/n.

I finally finish and make my way to castia. I look around the whole house and didn't see her anywhere but than I heard a laugh that sounded familiar. That's Antonio laugh which is coming from outside and that would mean y/n is outside.

I walk outside and see y/n tickling Antonio she's matching me just without the poncho like we're dating but I wouldn't complain but she's probably just teasing me like she always does.

(A/N: y/n is wearing basically what Camilo is wearing just brown shorts [or skirt whatever you want] and a white shirt)

"Are you and my brother dating?" I heard Antonio say I froze and my face turned red she answered "no" which made face turn back normal with a frown. I mean she's right we're not dating but I wish we were

I shake my thoughts away and walk towards them. I decided to shape shift into mama cause maybe that's who told y/n to watch Antonio "mi amor thank you for watching Antonio but can I talk to you alone?" I well mama says. "Nice try Camilo" she says
How on earth did she know it was me? I shape shift back into m.

"How'd you know it was me?" I ask very curious doing my head tilt I always do. "We'll because no one calls me mi amor but you and your mama is over there" she pointed towards mama and giggled her giggle is so cute but she's smart.

Y/N pov:
He's clever but not clever enough. I giggled a bit and me and Tonio went to get a snack while Camilo followed by the side of me "don't you chores to do Milo?" I asked "I finished them"he said with a small voice crack and me n Tonio laugh "what's so funny to you to?" He asked doing his head tilting thing "you had a voice crack" I say while still laughing. I put Antonio down so he can grab something to eat. I look over at Camilo and she he has a frown. I wanted to tease him cause it's fun "awh poor baby upset cause he got laughed at for a voice crack?" I say with a pouty face? He nods. I could tell he wants a hug so I hold my arms out and he comes in and hugs me.

"God you are such a big baby" I say while rubbing his head "I'm just teasing you" I say letting go of him and punching him in the arm

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now