Chapter 13

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The Next moring
I wake up before Camilo and I left since I was having breakfast with my familia. I got out of bed gave Camilo and kiss and left him a note so he doesn't wake up scared. I only had shorts and one of Camilo shirt on.

I started running back home since it was almost time for breakfast. I made it and went up to my room and got dressed. I put some jeans on with a yellow shirt and notice some one in my bed.

Max but Alijah was on the floor. I decided to pull a joke on them since they want to sleep in my room even tho they have their own.

I lifted up 2 small glasses with water in it and poured it on them both and gently set down the glass. Wasn't best to do it on my bed but mama is washing our blankets today anyways.

"Fuck off" Alijah said

Max just gave me a "I'm gonna kill you" look with a "I'm gonna get you back" smirk.

"Three seconds to get out my room, BOTH or mama" I say

"3...2...1..." I started counting down Max already knew what would happen and left at 2 but Alijah stayed there "MAMA ALIJAH WAS IN MY ROOM LAST NIGHT AND SPELT WATER ON MY FLOOR AND BED!" I yell getting mama to come upstairs

"Mijo qué te dije sobre venir a la habitación de tu hermana, especialmente cuando ella no está aquí!"mama says and she sounds pissed already and smacks the back of Alijah head

I stand there with a smirk and started laughing once they left

"vete a la mierda" Alijah yelled "buena suerte" I replied back still laughing.

I was laughing so hard that I fell to the floor and hit my ass hard. About 2 minutes and I calmed down and made my way downstairs.

"Why is your face red?" Max asked me raising an eyebrow "oh that was me from laughing my ass off after Alijah got in trouble by mama" I say smiling

Alijah gives me a death stare. Soon we're all at the table eating breakfast till fuckin Alijah had to go and ruin my appetite

"So y/n did you have birthday sex last night? Is that why you wanted to stay the night" Alijah says with a smirk and I spit out my apple juice "I-I'm sorry what?!" I say "Alijah not at the table!" Mama says and slaps his head "ow! Mama I was joking!" Alijah said rubbing his head

Camilo pov:
I wake up and seen y/n isn't next to me. Am I dreaming? Where is she? I got out of bed and seen a note on my desk

Sorry amor, but I had to leave I told my family that I would have breakfast with them. I hope your not upset with it, I'll see you late mi amor -With tons and tons of love y/n

I smile at note god I love y/n so much.
I get ready for the day and head down to breakfast and see everyone already there and I sit down in my spot and start eating.

We all finished and headed out to do our chores luckily it wasn't a lot to do today.

Y/N pov:
I was moving some things around my room till max came bursting threw the door and scared the shit out of me

"Wtf max! You scared the shit out of me! And on top of that I almost broke my mirror!" I say while calming putting the stuff in the air down

"Sorry cuz but look what I found in the shed!" Max says while bring our old swords from behind him.

"Wow they still look brand new" I say

Max throws me the one with an all black case with purple flowers on it and his was just plain old black.


"Let's go practice in the back!" Max says "let's go!" I replied

We both raced outside and pulled out the swords and started practicing

"You still suck at it" max says with a smirk
"Oh yea?" I say replying back knocking him down to the ground

"Who sucks now?" I say

Mama than goes all crazy Mexican mom on us both

"I hid those for a reason! Don't play with these their very dangerous! And stop pointing to max like that Mija, your gonna stab him!" Mama says getting pissed

Me and Max look at eachother and gave eachother a "let's mess with her" face I "stabbed" max and he cried out

"Ow! Tia help! y/n stabbed me and I think I'm gonna die!" Max says in a somewhat sounding like he's on the urge of dying and than he started laughing and I joined him

"Ai! Put those away and go do something wife I put you both to you! Just be lucky I'm not putting you two to work after that!" Mama says pissed off at us both

Me and max are sitting there laughing our asses off

"Good old times y/n good ones" max says calming down "yea when I wasn't with papa" I reply "welp we better do something before she puts us to work" I say getting up and max agrees

We both walk out to town and went our separate ways. I saw Camilo and decided to sneak up on him.

"Boo!" I say and Camilo jumped "don't scare me like that!" Camilo says with another voice crack "don't you dare start laughing" Camilo says knowing I'm gonna start laughing

I cover my mouth tryna hold it in but I end up laughing so hard "aww my baby is going threw puberty still" I say while still laughing "shut up" Camilo says walking away "aw mi amor is embarrassed" I say almost done laughing "it's really not funny y/n" Camilo says with a straight face stopping and turning around

I go up and give Camilo a hug since he's a big baby over his voice crack and he hugged and picked me up while I wrap my legs around him and we walk to castia and go to his room.

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now