Chapter 10

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A few months later and it's y/n 18th birthday (also y/n and Camilo are dating now)
Alijah pov:
Today is y/n 18th birthday and we all planned a surprise birthday party for her at castia but we need to keep her away from there and we decided to have Mirabuel go with and have her stay away. We acted like we didn't know.

I hope she has fun today. I go to wake her
This should really be fun

"Psst y/n" I say quietly but she doesn't wake so I decided to yell in her ear bring something back "Y/N IF YOU DON'T WAKE YOUR ASS UP" and right there she punched me in the nose "OW!" I yelled "sorry not but maybe next LET ME FUCKIN SLEEP" she says irritated "never gets old" I say "oh and get ready your going to spend the day with Mirabel" I say while leaving and she just sighs

Y/N pov:
Ugh I hate when he fuckin does that shit. I get out of bed and put some jeans on with one of Camilo shirts that I never gave back to him. (You can change the outfit if you want) I decided to leave my hair down today with a braid (or however hairstyle you want) and put the promise ring Camilo gave me on with some bracelets and one them being the one Antonio gave me.

18 wow well I don't really plan on doing anything for my birthday besides I'm pretty sure no one remembers today. I started heading over to castia since mama said we was gonna have breakfast there.

At castia, Abuela pov:
Ok y/n would be here soon everyone here's your jobs

"She's here at the front door" Dolores said

Mirabel keep y/n away as long as possible

Camilo I know how much you love her but you can't go by her at all after breakfast till later tonight

Isabella your in charge of the flowers

Luisa ballons

Julieta Mija food

Pepa Mija you will help Lusisa with the ballon's

Camilo and Antonio will be at the front door with Bruno keeping's a look out to make sure just in case Mirabel fails

We all laugh and Mirabel does to as I joke

Y/N pov:
Castia opens the front door and I walk in "Gracias castia" I say walking to the kitchen but see they're outside and walk outside. Grabbed some food and sat next to Camilo. "Hola Bruno it's been awhile" I say

Camilo puts his hand my thigh kissing my cheek I finish eating before I could say anything else Mirabel dragged my chair out and dragged me out of my chair.

"You have a lot of energy right now Mirabel" I say while she drags me to a field "why are we on a field?" I ask "ok I had Luisa carry this for me cause it's really really heavy so I was thinking if you can make it float with your gift?" Mirabel said making her face (the one after her dad found her and the vision and said that it might be her fault and that stuff) "I could try I never really lift anything heavy tho" I say "ok make me angry" I say cause my gift only works if I'm angry, nervous, anxious, embarrassed, and sad like really sad and not just tears (y/n told everyone about it but there was no reason why y/n has a gift)but it works better when I'm angry

Kinda got on my nerves that he would cheat

"OH OH AND HE TALKS BAD ABOUT YOU AND WAS JUST USING YOU!" Mirabel says which makes me upset

"Mirabel I-I think you went to far" I said about to start crying "oh y/n I'm so sorry I thought that would make you angry and you know I don't really know anything about relationship" Mira says feeling bad "come on bring it in" she says but I kinda fall to the floor to my knees and cry. Next thing I know I see Mira running

Mirabel pov:
I felt so bad after saying that so I hurry and run to castia and since Antonio, Camilo, and Bruno were in charge of the front door and the party won't start to later I hurry up and go to them

"Mirabel are you ok? Where's y/n? Is she hurt?!" Camilo asked concerned

Damn he must really love her

"So I was tryna get y/n angry and she told me to by the way and I kinda said something that went to far about how you were using her which is not true and than she started crying and and-" before I could finish Camilo cut me off

"Out of anything else you could have of said you had to say that?! Where is she?!" Camilo asked he looked kinda pissed but worried at the same time.

"Follow me" I say "also can you guys cover for him please?" I say and Tonio and Bruno both nod

I grab Camilo wrist and bought him to y/n

Camilo pov:
"y/n mi amor" I say while I see her cry and she looked at me and backed away and I turn towards Mirabel with a furious face

"Are you sure you didn't say anything else Mirabel?" I asked

She shook her head no

Why would y/n do this? Did she actually believe y/n? I wouldn't use y/n if it was for anything. She's not having a good birthday so far I could already tell.

I walk slowly towards y/n and sit next to her. Luckily she didn't back away

"Are y-you really using m-me?" y/n asked softly "no mi vida, I would never even if it's for anything in the world" I say while hugging her and she hugs back

"I didn't think you would thank that seriously y/n I'm sorry" Mirabel says as rubbing her arm

Y/N pov:
I started to laugh and got straight up

"Ha you guys both fell for it!" I say while laughing

They look at me with a confused face

"Listen Mira I knew you was gonna say some dumb shit like that so I faked crying and to be honest I would think you would go and get Camilo but thank you" I say

"Why would you do that?" Mirabel ask

"I don't I was bored and you wouldn't let me go to castia so yea" I say while going by Camilo

"I'm really sorry mi vida but Abuela does need my help and who knows how long Bruno would last covering up for me" Camilo says

"Oh ok" I say turning my smile into a frown

Camilo came over and hugged me than cupped my face a placed our foreheads together

"I love you mi amor" he says

"I love you too amor" I replied and gave him a kiss while waving bye to him

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