Chapter 7

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Camilo pov:
I see stuff floating around and not one madrigal has a gift that has floating objects or whatever and it's just me and y/n. So does that mean? y/n has a gift?!

Y/N pov:
"I u-uh uh, I didn't know I could d-do that" I say stuttering as I calm myself down causing the objects to fall hard to the ground luckily there was no glass. "We have to talk to abuela" Camilo says as grabbing my hand and we rush to castia.

Thankfully we didn't have to find Abuela was right outside with everyone eating lunch but I didn't want to tell them as I got really nervous stuff started floating again.

"Calm down y/n calm down" Camilo says as rubbing my back, I calm down and the stuff feel hard again which I couldn't control just yet cause I just firgued out I have a gift.

But how?

"Uh Camilo I don't think we should tell them just yet" I said playing with my fingers. "If your not ready than we won't mi amor but you know Dolores would know and who knows how long she'll keep that secret" Camilo said as we walk to his room.

God I love him but he probably only sees me as a close friend tho. We made it to his room and I just sat down on his bed but than I see he pulled out a box like a ring box.

Camilo pov:
I pulled out a ring box with the promise ring I want to give to y/n in it and possibly ask if she would be my gf (or bf) since I now know she likes me back.

I walk up to her and get down on one knee like I was proposing to her and I open the ring box and looked her in the eyes and said "y/n promise me you will always be by my side whatever happens even if we get spilt up you'll wear this promise ring and always tell me the truth always" y/n looked like she was gonna start crying "yes yes I will" she said now definitely about to cry I put it on her ring finger

y/n hugged me and I hugged back "will you be my girlfriend?" I ask before the moment gets ruined and she said yes happily and I kissed her cheek than my door open

Camilo door open and we broke our hug and looked towards the door and see almost everyone but Abuela and Dolores since she would already know and they all fall

"Congrats!" Pepa said
"Finally!" Mirabeau said excitedly

Than Tonio came running and hugged me and I picked him up

"I knew you guys would be together!!" Tonio said very excited

"Don't break her heart or I will break your leg" some guy said but the voice sounded familiar way to familiar

I looked at Camilo and he looked scared and said "t-trust me I-I won't hurt h-her" I giggle cause his stutter is so cute.

Everyone leaves and there's one person still there.


About Alijah
Alijah is your older brother (by 2 years) you guys used to be really close when y'all were little but than after a while your dad sent him away and he finally came back after a few years but he only knew where you were cause of mama. You and Alijah would always "fight" and that shit

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now