Chapter 27

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The next day \ y/n pov
I wake up and Camilo still sleeping (I'M WRITING THIS IN SCHOOL AGAIN AND J HAVE LIKE NOTHING OMFG) I shake him slightly to wake him up and he groans

"20 more minutes please Mi amor?" Camilo asked while groaning. "I wish amor but we're having waffles for breakfast" I whined "and you know how much I love waffles" I added on "alright let's go" Camilo said and I got excited

I quickly got out of bed and to the door about to turn the knob but notice Camilo walking slow

"C'monn they're gonna be all gone!" I say "head done without me but save me some mi vida" Camilo says getting out of bed "I will" I say

I go out and slide down castia as castia turned the stairs into slid into a slide

"Moring castia" I said while sliding down the stairs

"I smell waffles!" I say happy "there's more in the making Mija" Julieta said "oh ok" I say sad "don't worry their special one for you and Mirabel" Julieta said cupping my face and I smile

"Where's Camilo?" Pepa asked walking in "he's coming he's just slow right now since he wanted to sleep some more but I couldn't let him mess breakfast" I stated m

I make me a plate of waffles and sit down and I saw Camilo coming down stairs rubbing his eyes slouching. Pepa isn't gonna like that

"Camilo stop slouching!" Pepa said with a cloud over her head "I know Mami!" Camilo replied and fixed his posture

Camilo say down next to me still tired

"After breakfast we'll go back up and go back to sleep, how's that?" I asked Camilo "perfect" Camilo says shoving waffles down his mouth "mmm Tia these are good" Camilo stated and Julieta smiles

We finish breakfast and everyone went to do chores but me and Camilo went upstairs to go take a nap since he was still tired. I layed by the wall like usual while Camilo was on the open. We took a nap and woke up a few hours later there where it was lunch time. Camilo was wide awake

"Had a good sleep Mi amor?" Camilo asked standing up with the most cutest smile ever "mhm" I answered "why are you so happy all of a sudden?" I asked sitting up

Camilo says nothing and goes to change. He's up to something. What is he up to? After he finished changing I finally decided to get out of bed and change too. Just something simple nothing to nice. Gray sweatpants and a over size shirt. I go to Dolores room to see if she knows anything about Camilo being so weird.

"Hey Dolores do you know what's wrong with Camilo?" I asked "no clue I'm curious too" Dolores replied "we all are" she added "I heard everyone talking about why he's so happy all of a sudden" she added "oh well thanks" I say "mhm" Dolores replied

I leave Dolores room to go find Camilo but I don't see him in castia

"LUNCH!" I hear Julieta call

We all rushed down stairs and saw we were eating outside again. Pepa was really happy like Camilo so was Isabella.

Why the fuck are they so happy all of a sudden?
I walk over to Mirabel grabbing a plate of food

"Mirabel why is Camilo,Pepa,and Isa so happy all of a sudden?" I asked

Not gonna lie I'm kinda scared

"I don't know but it's kinda scaring me" Mirabel answered

At least im not the only one scared. I go sit down in between Camilo and Mirabel. I look towards Pepa, she's really happy she has a fuckin rainbow, pretty gay anyways we all finished eating and I head upstairs to me room and Camilo follows. Once we get to my room I stopped and turned to Camilo.

"Amor why are you so happy?" I asked tilting my head

Camilo didn't answered but he stepped closer to me and pulled me by my waist and hugged me while I hug him back and he lays his chin on my head slowy moving to a beat but there's no music

"Te amo mucho hermosa" Camilo said "Te amo mas guapo" I replied

Than a slow song came on out of no where and we danced to the rhythm my celling turned into a night sky. I never want this moment to end.


Sorry this one is kinda short and sorry I haven't posted this story yet I'm writing my Mirabel x y/n book and I've been busy so I'll try and add another chapter soon !

Eat and drink , stay safe mis amores (my loves) and have a good day w/ <3 yanna out

Eat and drink , stay safe mis amores (my loves) and have a good day w/ <3 yanna out

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