Chapter 31

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"How about Luca and Camila?" (I forgot who but someone said the name camila so I wanna give creds to that person) "sounds like a great name" Camilo said "you know Alijah and Max would have been great uncles" I said "they would have been and your mother too" I heard a voice say

Me and Camilo look over to see Julieta, Pepa, Antonio and Mirabel and I smile

"The test was making casita baby proof again" Mirabel said "I bought some tamales your favorites" Pepa said "and they're for y/n Camilo" Julieta added on and I laugh "thank you guys" I said "so whats their names?!" Antonio asked excitedly "Luka and-" Camilo cuts me off "Camila!" Camilo says excitingly


"Sorry Mi amor I just had to" Camilo says

I grab Camilo hands and he rubbed circles on the back of my hand with his thumb

"ok you guys so be good to go" the doctor said "ok thank you" I say and the doctor smiles and nods

I get dress into some sweatpants and a white shirt I put Camila in the stroller while Camilo put Luca in the stroller we both walk towards casita.

It feels so good not to be pregnant anymore although I do need a shower but I won't be getting any sleep as in I would need to breast feed and put them to sleep change them and motherly stuff

4 years later (I don't really have ideas after the twins get born so yea) y/n pov
"Mami" Camila shouted "yes Mila?" I asked "can you tell me a story?" Camila asked "of course I can Mija" I answered "I wanna hear a story too!" Luca said running in with Camilo

I tell them a story kinda based on my life but different

3rd person pov
The twins are now 4 while Liam is 9 and Antonio and Cecilia started dating at 13
(A/N: you can do the math for every1 else)

As y/n was telling the story Liam came in too soon Antonio and Cecilia as in they still like to her stories at 14

y/n and Camilo are happily married and enjoying their life as is everyone else is too

"How do you and papi meet?" Camila asked her Mami

"Well it's a long story but I moved into encanto and your dad being the flirtatious person he is we both fell in love and than we had you too and got married" y/n said answering her daughter

"Where do babies come from?" Luca asked his parents

"Um well" Camilo said and y/n gave him a glare

"We won't talk about that" y/n said

"You know both of our families planned your mom and dads wedding" Antonio said

"Both families?" The twins asked confused doing their dads head tilt

"They definitely have your head tilt" y/n says and clears her throat "see my dad who would have been your Abuelo was a bad person and he sent a bad man to kill your Abuela and Tio's otherwise they would have loved you guys" y/n stated "but we're focusing on the good side" y/n added on

"When I was 8 around to your ages me and y/n would always hang out while she's out doing chores even without doing them and she bought me and your tio these bracelets" Cecilia said showing them the bracelets

"Woah!" Camila said

"Although we were 10 years apart y/n was like the older sister I never had" Cecilia said

Than the clock went off

"Welp it's nap time for you two" Camilo said "aww but I wanted to play with Tio!" Luca complained to his parents

"You can after your nap" y/n said yawing as she was tired too

Antonio, Liam, and Cecilia left them to sleep. The twins got comfortable while Camilo and y/n did too

Camilo had his right arm holding y/n while y/n head is on Camilo shoulder and Camila on Camilo chest while Camilo holds her close and Luca on his moms stomach and y/n holding Luca with her free arm and they all fell asleep

While on the other hand Dolores was honestly tired of Liam saying

"Your lying mama" "stop lying"  etc

Even Mariano although they thought it wouldn't be bad it was horrible for them but they love Liam to death just sometimes annoying

Than we have Mirabel on the other hand where she found a girl named Maria and they've been dating for a while (forgot to mention that)

Luisa proud with her wife Cassidy

Isa and Mateo have been dating for a few years now

Bruno and Alissa had 2 kids named Sarah who is 12 years old and Julio whose 6 years old

Everyone was happy and enjoyed their life

And that's not it yet just 1 more chapter and the book is done sadly :( but I did have lots of fun writing this story and sorry for not posting 2 the past 2 days but I'm posting this one and the last chapter

Oh ! My Mirabel x y/n book is gonna be published soon probably a few days after this book is finished

Eat and drink stay safe w/ <33 yanna out

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