Chapter 17

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"Um so, here just take it" Bruno says showing me his vision thingy "is that me? Is that Camilo proposing?" I asked looking at the vision and back at Bruno and he nods "we look older like in our 20s almost 30, this is good right?" I say looking up and down "yea it is kid" Bruno says rubbing his arm "so why are you so worried?" I asked "because that's the first actual you know good vision I made" Bruno says

I hug Bruno and he hugs me back.

"I have to go but bye Bruno and thank you!" I say leaving "bye kid!" Bruno says

After Mirabel party (I'm lazy rn to do all that so yea)

Camilo pov:
I seen y/n was about to leave when I called her name out

"Y/N!" I called "Camilo? What's up?" She asked "can you stay the night?" I asked with puppy dog eyes "Camilo I-" I cut her off "please!" I begged "fine!" y/n says "you know your a big baby right amor?" y/n says "I am not!" I say pouting "whatever you say amor" she says

Me and y/n walk up to my room holding hands

Y/N pov:
Oh shit I just remembered I don't have comfortable clothes to sleep in

"Camilo amor I don't have comfortable clothes to sleep in" I say "you can use mine" he says while opening his door

I sit on his bed while he goes to his closet to put something on and grab me some clothes too

"Here hermosa" Camilo says giving me clothes

I go change and put my dress in Camilo closet. I see Camilo already laying down and I join next to him. We cuddle looking up at the stars he has on the celling. It was silent till Camilo broke it

"You know what would be better?" Camilo asked "huh?" I reply to him "watching them on the roof" he says and I nod.

I than put my head on Camilo chest and he rubbed my hair  and eventually I fell asleep and he did too.

Sorry this one is a little short I just didn't have the motivation to make a long one

Make sure to eat and drink

Have a good night or day or evening or afternoon w/ <3

Yanna out

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now