Chapter 15

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Y/N pov:
I finished crying and my eyes weren't puffy red this time (yay👏🏼👏🏼) and I decided to go out for a walk since the sun was starting to go away and it'll be a nice walk. I grabbed a hoodie and put it on along with my shoes. I left my room and the house. I didn't see anyone so I'm assuming their in they're room. I started walking towards the crack of the hill since it's my favorite spot to go to.

I heard a voice that sounded familiar call out my name but I just ignored it till they caught up to me.

"Hey um kid can I talk to you?" Bruno says "sure what's up?" I replied stoping and turning to him "uh so here" Bruno gives me his vision he had "is that- Bruno cut me off "yea that's Camilo kissing some girl" he said rubbing his arm "wait that looks like the girl who said that he was cheating on me" I say kinda pissed "Bruno did it happen already? The vision." I asked looking Bruno eyes "I'm afraid so, Pepa told me" Bruno said feeling bad

I was pissed so he'll chose that girl over me? I mean after all I did.

"Do you know where Camilo is?" I asked and Bruno said "in his room" and I nodded running with the vision Bruno had and Bruno just stood there.

I make it to castia and made my way up to camilo room and knocked but bursted in mad

"What the fuck Camilo!" I say trying to keep my calm so I don't make anything lift up

A\N: since it's gonna be switching
This text=Camilo and this text=y/n

y/n just came in a made me jump. She's pissed

"What did I do?!" I say while scared cause y/n can be scary when she's made honestly

"WHY?" I say and show him the vision

"Mi amor it's just a vision it's not like it came true!" I say trying to calm her down





Y/N pov:
Before I know it I'm woken up.

It was just a nightmare.

"Mija your room" mama says

I look around a carefully put my things down and saw Alijah and Max and Camilo with Julieta and Bruno and basically the whole madrigals.

"What happen?" I say while rubbing my eyes
"You passed out, we don't know how but you did" I hear Bruno say (I forgot to add it to the story so year just deal w/ it)

I sit up and see Camilo next to me holding my hand tracing circles with his thumb on the back of my hand.

"When's the last time you ate sis?" Alijah asked "um this morning but it's still early" I say not knowing the time "it's actually 4:57 pm" Agustín says "no shit?" I asked before getting hit in the head "there's little kids around" mama says while hitting my head "sorry mama" I say "get some more rest we'll check on you later" Pepa says with a smile "oh and there's some Aperas right there if your hungry" Julieta says pointing to them

"Thank you" I say

They all walk out but Camilo once I saw them leave I turned to Camilo and hugged him as tight as I can and he hugged back

"Missed me mi amor?" Camilo says "mhm" I say still hugging me "cuddles?" He asked

I let go and nod me and Camilo lay down and cuddled for the next 2 hours and by time we woke up it was time for dinner. We were having dinner at my house today. Me and Camilo walked down stairs holding hands. We all sat down and started talking and laughing till something from outside distracts me

"Um guys look outside" I said getting up

Everyone follows me outside and we look at the moon seeing it's purple moon and I see Camilo changing to different people and we all look at him confused

"Purple moons are rare and it means transformation is preparing" I say knowing about the moon and stuff "which means anyone who can shape shift is preparing so they can change into people but they would have to say their name to shape shift into that person" I say looking at Camilo who is now done shapeshifting into the whole town and back to himself

"That is so cool!" Camilo said

I mean it is but having to say it sucks

"Um y/n" camilo said "nothing happen in still me" he also said  "oh right you have to say what they truly mean to you like for example your mama, you have to say what you truly think or love about her and you'll shape shift into her" I say "oh ok, mi amor and mi vida who I truly adore and want to marry and I would do anything for y/n" Camilo says

Camilo is now me. I blushed so hard and Felix nudge my arm and winked at me. Wait what?! He w-wants to marry me?! I mean I do too.

"He really loves you y/n and even when he's not around you he always talks about you and shape shifts into you" Felix and Pepa said "you'd be the best daughter-in-law" Felix said

I smile at their words.

We all stayed outside and made some s'mores and we laughed til the madrigals went home but Camilo stayed of course to make sure I'm ok after what happen.

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now