Chapter 5

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~the next day~
I got ready and I notice something was off as I sit in my Vanity I notice a box. That wasn't there last night. I open it a see a ring but it's a promise ring with a note that said "Camilo wanted to give this to you yesterday but didn't and after happen he didn't give it to you and I'm sorry for what happen yesterday ~Love Dolores" I put the ring on. I love it. It's beautiful. I hurry and go to castia because Camilo didn't have any chores. I get there and ask Senor Felix "have you seen Camilo?" You can tell I was out of breathe "he should be in his room la nuera" I stood there with a red face for a second when he said and wink "oh uh gracias senor" I said running to his room.

But while I run I can't get out my head does Camilo like me? Does he talk about me a lot with his parents? Why daughter-in-law? Does Camilo see my as more the best friends? I mean I do. All my thoughts cleared as I got to his room. I knocked on his door and he said to come in. I went in and saw him looking out the window.

I run up to him and he turned around which I'm assuming to see who it was but I went up and hugged him at tight as I can. He had to look down cause he was a few inches taller than me. He than pushed me away gently like he didn't want to hurt me.

"Listen Camilo I'm so so so so so so sorry for what happened yesterday I just thought you'd find it funny since your always about jokes and that stuff and always happy and it hurt me to see you sad and I couldn't stop thinking about you" I explained saying more things

Camilo pov:

y/n kept talking and apologizing but I wasn't listening to her words I was looking at her seeing her so I don't know how to explain it but it was funny I was tryna hold back my laughter so I don't seem rude but I couldn't I started laughing. She looked at me with a confused look

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?" She said with a confused look. Man does she look so cute confused "it was a joke y/n" I say while holding her shoulders "wai- what? I'm confused" y/n says more confused "I'll never be mad at you, once I saw you sit next to Isabella I knew I had to joke around with you since you love teasing me" I say sarcastically while putting her hands in mine I saw she got the promise ring from "Dolores"

"I see you got my promise ring and just so you know that was me who wrote the note, I just know you so well you'll come running to me mi amor" I saw with a smirk and a wink. "Your such a jerk" she says

She loves me I could tell. Y/n than let go of my hands and flopped on my bed and I flop next to hear we than faced eachother and she said something I don't know what she said I was gazed into how beautiful her eyes are

Y/N pov:
After we flopped on the bed we faced eachother and I said "you know I thought you weren't really talk-" I notice he wasn't listening so I waved in his face and he shook his head "Camilo please promise me you won't ever pull a prank or joke like that again?" I said "but it was funny" he said. I sat up "Camilo I'm serious I was crying since I left and since than I was crying the whole night and my eyes were puffy red by time I was done" I said with a frown "mi amor anything for you not to cry" he said with puppy dog eyes "god I hate you so much, inplus I asked your dad where you were this morning and he called me daughter-in-law and I'm supposing you have something to do with it" I say while crawling to where his pillows are and I look back at him and see him red "papa said that?" He asked with another voice crack "you better not laugh at that" he said with a serious tone. "I'm sorry love" I tease him and start laughing.

"It's not funny" Camilo said while crawling towards me. "I'm sorry I won't laugh again I swear" I said "swear?" he asked and I replied with a yes.

Camilo is now on top of me cuddling me with his face buried into my neck with his arms around my waist and I play with his hair. 

"I love you mi amor" he says which I'm pretty sure I couldn't hear him "what?" I asked just to be clear he lift his head up and said "thank you for being my bestie y/n and always being here for me" he said which was longer than what he said before "I'm glad I have you Camilo Madrigal" I say a kiss his forehead while his face turns red and burries his head in my neck again.

Pepa Pov:
I go into camilo room to drop his laundry off and I see him and y/n cuddling and sleep. Their the perfect match I call Felix over. "He's just like like you amor" I say with a proud smile knowing my son found the right match. Me and Felix just stand there adoring them two. They better get married or I won't let him date anyone else I thought I mean y/n is smart, responsible, beautiful, caring, and more! "Let's go mi amor let than sleep" Felix says and I just drop off Camilo laundry by the side of his door.

A few hours later\Y/N pov:
I woke up with Camilo next to me still holding on to my waist. I feel like he's the one, he is the one but I'm scared to tell him about my feelings cause he jokes around about us dating and that's stuff. I heard the door open and shut I couldn't look up to see who it was but than I see Antonio jump trying to climb on the bed.

"y/n y/n y/n! Guess what! Guess!" Tonio said exicted

"What happen that got you so happy?" I asked curious and sat up

Antonio didn't say anything but hugged me and that's when Camilo aka the big baby woke up and he started rubbing his eyes and rolled over onto his back and sat up.

"How'd you get in here? I thought I locked my door" Camilo says doing that cute little head tilt.

"Mama and papa were in here and they said you to were dating and your gonna get married!!" Antonio said very excitedly

Me and Camilo were just sitting there with red faces

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