Chapter 25

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Me and y/n finished the first part of the date and was gonna end it in a fun way. I smirked while getting up

"You have that nasty smirk, what are you up to?" y/n asked while standing up "nothing nothing just grab my hand" I say

I take y/n to this nice little house. I mean it was the size of the main hall at castia. Getting to the house took us a bit further so Dolores doesn't hear us. Once we got to the house we went to the room and of course y/n had to tease me again

"Keep teasing me and well actually be doing it" I say with a smirk "oh really" y/n asked "yea" I replied

(They have their shoes off so it won't happen with shoes or it would be idk)

"We should have some fun than" y/n says while getting on top of me

Once y/n leaned in to kiss me and I kiss back sliding my tongue in her mouth while taking he r dress off and she starts to un botton my shirt than moved down to pants and by than we were both un-dresses y/n in her underwear and bra and I'm in my draws. I flip y/n over to where she's the bottom. I kiss her than move down to her cheekbone than down to her neck than done to her collarbone. I than pull of her underwear and mine and slowy put it in starting to go back and forth after I did that for a while and y/n moaning I took it out and y/n switched us (y/n & Camilo are more of a switch type) as she did I took the condom off.

y/n pov:
I slowy went down to Camilo dick and starting to throb it and than put it in my mouth. FEELS SO WEIRD TYPING THAT OMFG. I sucked on his dick NO OK I'M DONE IM SRRY THIS ISN'T REALLY SMUT LIKE BUT ANYWAYS

The next day
Me and Camilo wake up and get dressed so we can start heading back home in case everyone is confused on where we are. We walked back to castia just in time for breakfast. Once we got there, there was two seats which is ours

"Where have you two been?!" Pepa asked worried "we went on a date" I say rubbing my neck "and what else?" Pepa asked "nothing else mama, we just fell asleep" Camilo says and Felix winks at us which made my eyes widen. "We'll come sit down and eat" Agustin says happily

We both go and sit down and I felt the same pairs of eyes on me

"Obsessed much?" I asked Natalie "huh? Oh I was just staring outside" she said nervously "mhm sure" I say "y/n what's that on your neck?" Antonio asked, I quickly went red and turned to Camilo giving him a "nice job dingus" look "oh I just bruised my neck from the hard floor that's all" I say awkwardly.

All the adults gave eachother looks even with Dolores and Isabella like they know what it actually is. The rest of breakfast was slient which made it really really awkward. I than went up to my room to change.

"Did you guys really have sex?" I hear someone say "why is it your concern?" I asked "hmp" I hear them say "soo I wanted to say sorry about the first time we met" I knew it was Natalie "I accept your apology I guess" I shrugged my shoulders while whipping the little makeup off me "look I wasn't jealous of you dating Camilo it's the other way around" she says "Wait what? I'm sorry you were jealous of Camilo?!" I asked surprisingly "yea I mean look at you, your hot" Natalie says "I mean I am, but I'm dating but we could be friends" I say while putting my hand on her shoulder and smiling "that's fine" she says

I walk out my room and head down to the kitchen and see Julieta making food

"What's the occasion for?" I asked "nothing special Mija" she says with a smile "is that "bruise" still there?" Julieta asked while quoting Bruise "oh yea it's fine no wor-" I say before having an Arepa que caso in my mouth "oh looks like that bruise is still there" julieta teases "let me get a closer look" Julieta says as coming closer "oh no it's fine" I say nervously "you know I'm just messing with you Mija, but trust me your mama was wilder than when we were younger" Julieta stated "wait really?!" I asked "mhm" she responded "now go get some air or go for a walk or something Mija" Julieta says as she kiss my cheeks "si" I responded

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