Chapter 19

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I go home and see my stuff packed up?

"Mama, Alijah, Max?" I called and no one answered

I looked in mama's room she's not in there and all her stuff is gone and I did the same for Alijah and Max and the house is just emptied. I walked to the kitchen and saw Dolores

"Holy shit Dolores! Is that like a family thing to do or some shit?" I asked "no but what happen here? Where is everyone?" She asked "I don't know I just came back it was like this empty" I said frowning "have you heard anything from them recently?" I added on "No I heard you call them so I got curious and came over here" Dolores said "well they just left without telling me" I said

"They didn't have time to tell you" a guy said

Me and Dolores turned around to the living room and saw a guy with a knife and it looked like it's been used already

"What did you do with them?!" I say furious "oh nothing important" the guy started walking closer

This is just a nightmare just a nightmare

"WHERE ARE THEY?" I asked getting angry but scared

Dolores could hear I was shaking

"Your family didn't care about you anymore so they just left you what a shame" the guy said

"NOW WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY FAMILY?" I asked Dolores backed up knowing what might happen "they're visiting your dad" the guy says "GO TO HELL AND YOU'LL SEE MY DAD, WHY DID YOU KILL THEM" I yell as if the whole town can here me "they deserved it" the guy said with nasty smirk

They didn't deserve it at all. I started throwing the things that was left at the guy as he started running and said "I'LL BE BACK FOR YOU"

Dolores tried to calm me down but it didn't work "c'mon you can stay with us since your mostly over at castia and you can share rooms with Camilo since you guys are dating" Dolores days in a calm voice and I nod "what about my stuff?" I asked "I'll send Luisa to grab your stuff you just need to relax after what happen and I'm very sorry, they honestly didn't deserve it" Dolores

I hugged Dolores and she hugged me back. She's right they didn't deserve it. We brake the hug and started walking to castia. Dolores was gonna tell everyone while I try to relax.

At castia
I walk up the stairs and walk in Camilo and and stood there frozen.

Camilo pov:
I just got out the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist it's a little low tho and my hair was wet. I was drying it with a smaller towel and went to my main room. I notice y/n there. Is she okay? She's just standing there frozen. I wave my arms

"y/n are you ok?" I asked tilting my head


"Querida?" I say

She shook her head

"Oh um sorry wait that's a new one" she said snapping out of her thoughts "mhm what are doing back, I thought you was gonna go to sleep" I said "you don't want me here?" She asked "of course I do Querida I just thought you were gonna go home" I said "yea um about that" y/n said rubbing the back of her neck

y/n sat on my bed while I put clothes on she told me what happen and I notice her just looking at the floor and she sounded like she was about to cry. I went up and y/n hugged as tight as I can but no tight to where she can't breathe.

"Off topic but do you think you could do my hair for me since your here?" I asked

y/n does my hair better than me to be honest. y/n let out a small giggle. Her giggle is so cute.

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now