Chapter 9

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WARING there is some disgusting\disturbing parts in here but it's only in the first part\the nightmare

Y/N pov:
I wake up crying and I look around and I don't see Camilo so I go to mama and Alijah room and they're not there. I run to the Madrigals and they're not there either I checked all the rooms.

"Hello Mija, miss me?" Some voice said, it sounded like papa I turned around to him holding Camilo head by his hair with a knife in the other hand. I scream and start running and he chased after me. I started shaking and shaking.

Than I was woke up but I was still shaking and Camilo wasn't in bed with me. I hurry and run down stairs and see him helping mama cook I quickly run over to them and hugged mama than Camilo and than Alijah since he was right behind me when I turned around they could tell I was still shaking. They all told me to sit down so I did and I told them the nightmare I had and suggested I should go on a walk to calm. I changed into some jeans with a black button down and me and Camilo went on a walk. It was slient till he broke it.

"How come you never told me about your dad?" Camilo said while Turing to me

"I don't know, I'm not the person to talk about him" I say while fiddling with my fingers and looking down

"Tell me about, I need to know to make sure your even more safe and he doesn't find you if the dream was that bad" Camilo says as he grabs my chin and has me look him in the eyes.

"Even if he's dead that's why I came here with my mama" I say but I tell him about everything my dad would do and how he sent Alijah away at a young age

Dad backstory
So basically growing up you and Alijah been living with your dad as your mom didn't really have a place and had to live with the madrigals for a while and that so y/n dad would abuse y/n and Alijah and sent Alijah away at 6 years old to some place and since you haven't seen him for 10 years (Alijah is 18 and I might be wrong about 10 years but it's almost 3 am so correct me if I'm wrong) until he died from a bad disease.

Camilo just looks at me with a sad face. I quickly changed the subject. "So your scared of my brother?" I ask with a smirk

"What?! Oh um no, I'm not scared of anything" Camilo said shaking his head. "So your not scared of the dark are you?" I asked raising and eyebrow "nope not at all" Camilo replied "ok than" I shrug and walk away.

But I grabbed Camilo hand and ran to a really dark alley way and went inside the door which is a really dark place. I heard Camilo whining but he's not holding my hand which makes it more funnier

"y/n where'd you go?" He asked sounding scared "y/n stop playing around" he said sounding more scared

Camilo pov:
"Camilooo" a different voice said

Who else is in hear? I swear if this is some stupid joke of y/n.

"Ok y/n take back what I said about the dark" I said so we can hurry and leave and never come back to this scary ass place.

Next thing I know I pushed against the wall and feel a pair of lips on mine I didn't kiss back cause I don't know who that is and I would never cheat on y/n and I push them away.

"I have a gf (or bf)" I say while pushing them away "I am your gf (or bf) dumb ass" y/n says I can tell they had a smirk "can we please leave?" I say while holding them close "fine let's go." She says grabbing my hand "big baby" I heated y/n mumble.

At Castia in Camilo room:
"Can I still have that kiss?" I asked tiling my head with puppy dog eyes "I don't know can you?" y/n said waking towards me. I make the face

Y/N pov:
What is he doing? What face is that? Is his face ok?"

"Amor what are you doing? What's a wrong with your face?" I asked concerned "this" he says with a smirk

I started running and he started to chase me around his room. I mean it's big so there's a lot of room to run.

"I won't stop till I get my kiss" he says shape shifting into Luisa. I turn around "THAT''S NOT FAIR!" I yelled as I use my gift and lift up some things to block him now that I know how to work it. "NOW THAT'S CHEATING!" Camilo yells "YOU CHEATED FIRST!" I yell back and we just kept running and chasing and eventually we got tired and I flopped on the bed and he flopped next to me and we both tried to catch out breathe.

I than climb onto of Camilo and give him his kiss and he kissed back I could feel his smirk growing than he started tickling me

"I'm not ticklish Milo" I say with a straight face "you sure?" Camilo said with a smart ass smirk and started going lower to my stomach\waist and started tickling there and I started laughing

"And you say you aren't ticklish" he says with a smirk "ok s-smart ass" I say while laughing

Eventually we got tired and feel asleep. Camilo fell asleep on me again with his face buried into my neck and arms wrapped around my waist. Than we're both knocked out sleep while cuddling.

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