Chapter 20

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The next day \ camilo pov
Me and y/n both wake up at the same time today. I heard a camera click and saw a flashing light

"Awe aren't you two just so cute! Oh and you guys are matching too!" Mama says "Mami!" I say "oh right I'm sorry you two, I just came in hear you tell you breakfast is ready since you guys didn't hear us call you." Mama said "We're coming mama" I replied to hear

Mama left and i turn to see y/n covering her mouth but couldn't hold her laughter and started laughing so hard her face was red

"You think it's funny huh?" I say and she nods

I knew mama would show the familia

"It won't be once she shows everyone" I say with a smirk "oh shit" y/n says going to a serious tone

y/n quickly got up and started running than it took me a second to process threw. Mama was gonna show everyone so I just out and starting running too.

"There are the two lovebirds, aw and they're really matching" Isabella said

"To late" me and y/n mumbled under our breathe

"Come sit down I have some news and announcements" Abuela says

Me and y/n sit down next to eachother in our normal spots

"First things y/n since you are practically living here and you have a gift you would get your own door, of course you could always sleep with Camilo if you want, and Mirabel is also getting a door although she doesn't have a gift she'll get one since Mirabel I getting to old for the nursery" Abuela said and we all cheered

I was holding y/n hand under the table while eating with the other hand while Abuela kept talking

"Than since everyone did they're chores and won't have any this weekend everyone can have fun!" Everyone got excited and some said thank you and I just smiled which means I could spend more time with mi otra mitad

"But, no one doing anything stupid as to you are free for the rest of the weekend and won't have to ask me to do anything " Abuela says but also looking at me with a full face

I gave her a "what?! Why me?" Face.

"Oh we should all go to the lake! It's a new one I saw and it's awesome!" Tio bruno says

Everyone agreed but tio Agustin, papa, mama, and Tia Julieta because they're going adult stuff although tio Bruno is 52 he's still like a kid sometimes which makes him the fun tio. We all finished eating and after would be the time for y/n and Mirabel to get they're door and than we could go to the new lake tio Bruno was talking about. no one in the village came cause it was just ceremony nothing big. y/n swore even if she's not part of the family to help if the village ever needed help with her she would help and she said yes but something happen she was able to left things up without any emotion at all and can just whenever which was cool. It was than Mirabel turn and she swore but this time she didn't wipe her hands like she first did. Wait what's going on?

"I really need some new hand bands" Dolores said out of now where which is weird

Mirabel heard she needed some new ones and with a swift of her hand new headbands popped out. Abuela eyes widen as she had joy in them

"We have a new gift!" Abuela said

I thought it had to happen only when we're 5, I mean I'm happy for her. We went it and saw it had everything of everything if anyone needs it since Mirabel is the type of person to have everything. It had sections like a sewing section and her closet which was cool. Than we went in y/n rooms which I think hers is the best.

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now