Chapter 14

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Camilo pov:
Once me and y/n got to my room I gently but her down on my bed and I give her the look.

"Ok come here" y/n says with her arms out

I climb on my bed and lay on top of her burying my face in her neck. I could hear y/n mumble something but it didn't really bother me.

"Oh shit"I hear y/n say "what?"I replied lifting my head up "I promise my cousin max that'll I'll help him unpack" she says "oh" I say kinda upset

I get off of y/n and sit down next to her while she sat up

"I'm really sorry amor but we can hang tomorrow" y/n says "why not later? You can have dinner with us" I reply "I wish I could but I'm having dinner at my house with my mama and brother and cousin, I really have to go" y/n says with a a frown.

She didn't want to leave. I didn't want her to leave

"Ok mi vida but I'll have to walk you" I say with a little smile "ok" y/n said

Me and y/n got up and started walking back to her house. I was just admiring y/n. She was looking around all happy and everything but I was upset cause I wouldn't be with her the rest of the day but I mean she does have family that she has to see and we won't be able to spend all the time together besides it's not like the world is ending right? We make it to the Sanchez household and max is already outside.

"Finally c'mon we're gonna be we only have 10 minutes left before lunch" max says

Before we could even say bye y/n and Max was already running inside and the door shuts

Y/N pov:
I felt bad cause I couldn't say bye to Camilo but I did have to hurry as we only had 10 minutes left before lunch cause we was gonna unpack than go practice behind the mountains where mama won't go full on Mexican mama on us again.

We finished unpacking Max's things and I snuck the swords and we make it in time with 5 minutes left

"No using your power thingy" max says
"Alright I wasn't gonna use it anyways" I say rolling my eyes "and begin" max says

Me and Max we're practicing the last five minutes but I couldn't get Camilo out of my head.

I felt really bad but me and Max are really close and he's like a big bother to me, one that's not a total asshole and a protective one well they both are they just won't show it. On the other side I haven't seen max in 8 years which is pretty long.

It was lunch time so me and Max hid the swords somewhere where no one could find them and left to go eat lunch.

"Gracias mama this was very good lunch" I say while chewing "Of course Mija but slow down you'll choke" mama says "it'll be funny if she did" Alijah stated

Mama wasn't by him so she couldn't hit him but I lifted up a pillow for the front up and made it float my way and right when I was about to hit him mama stops me

"Mija put the pillow down I'll handle him later" mama says

I hit Alijah in the face with it.

"What? You told me to put it down and I did!" I stated "That shit hurts" Alijah said rubbing his face "it was a damn pillow Ali you'll survive" I say while rolling my eyes putting my plate in the sink

"Ai, Ai, Ai I don't know what imma do with you two" mama says getting up "I'm going for a walk mama I'll see you later" I say leaving "have fun" Alijah says "STOP TRYNA BE NICE DICK" I yell back "LANGUAGE Y/N" mama yells "SORRY MAMA" I yell back

Honestly I don't know how Max puts up with him. I saw Camilo playing with a bunch of kids shape shifting when some girl my age came to me

"Your y/n right? Camilo gf (or bf)?" The girl said "uh yea why?" I answered "you didn't hear this form me but I heard he was cheating on you with some girl from here" she said and left

I just stare at Camilo with watery eyes and he saw me and we made eye contact than I shook my head and ran back into the house dodging the questions and went right up to my room and started crying.

I mean he wouldn't have would he? I don't know that girl she's maybe lying. But what if he really did? I don't know what to believe. I mean maybe he actually is. He would usually grab my wrist if I left without saying bye but he didn't today.

Camilo pov:
I was playing with a group of kids since I had nothing else to do when all of a sudden I felt two pairs of eyes on me but one of them I was more focused on and I look to see y/n staring at me. I was gonna go up to her before I saw some random girl whisper something to y/n than left. I see y/n shaking her head no with tears in her eyes and than she ran inside.

What did that girl tell her that made y/n cry? I was gonna go see but than someone pulled my arm away from the kids and it was that same girl that whispered something to y/n

"What did you whisper to y/n that made her cry?" I say with a serious tone and face
"Oh nothing important, oh but did she tell you she was just using you for your gift?" She said "she isn't she has her own so she wouldn't be using me" I reply still pissed with the girl than all of a sudden she pulled me into a kiss

I obviously didn't kiss back and pushed her away

"What the fuck! I literally have a girlfriend (or boyfriend)" I say really pissed

She just smirks and I push by her and walk back to castia

Pepa pov:
I saw some girl kiss Camilo but he pushed away right away. Where's y/n? There always together.

"Baby amor your cloud" Felix says
"I'm sorry amor I just saw some girl kiss Camilo which made me pissed" I say

I saw Camilo walking back mad and I go down stairs "mijo why are earth did that girl kiss you?" I say concerned "I don't know mama and I didn't like it and she said something to y/n that made her cry and I don't know what she said" Camilo says upset "how do you know? y/n wasn't with you?" I say "because I saw y/n walking than that stupid girl said some shit and y/n shook her head with watery eyes and ran inside" Camilo says about to start crying "come here mijo" I say and give him a hug

"Make her a gift basket with the things she loves and go over to her house and see what happen. Oh and just in case she saw the kiss tell her the truth. Nothing but the truth" I say still hugging Camilo

"Gracias mama" Camilo said

I just continue hugging him

Tbh I've never made it this far writing a book but if I did I would have been farther on my other account which I lost but it only had like 3 chapters but tysm for 5 reads (ik it's not a lot but it's something to me)

If you have any questions or request you can always comment them or dm me

Have fun, stay safe, make sure to eat and drink, go outside touch some grass, hang with friends or just read "books" ifykwim

Have a good night or day or evening or afternoon w/ <3 💜🦋💍

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