Chapter 26

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The next day \ Antonio pov:
I wake up super excited cause me and y/n get to spend the whole day together! Well after our chores but I have some ideas we can do. I really hope y/n would want to do them with as they're kid things and she's basically an adult. I walk down stairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning mijo" mama says while giving me a kiss on the cheek "morning mama" I say "morning Tonio ready for our day?" y/n asked "yea!" I replied really excited "I thought today was our day Mi amor" Camilo says "not today" y/n replied bopping his nose "yea I'm her favorite so I get the whole day with y/n" I say while sticking my tongue out at Camilo "he's right" y/n says

Y/N pov:
"I thought I was" Mirabel said "your my favorite creative Madrigal" I say patting her shoulder

I see everyone bout to say something but before they do i said something

"Luisa your my fav female madrigal, Mira your my fav creative Madrigal, Isa you my fav plant grower Madrigal, Dolores your my fav not good at secrets Madrigal, Camilo your my fav prankster \ jokester Madrigal, and tonio your my fav youngest Madrigal" I say "but your my most favorite male Madrigal kid" I whispered to Tonio

"I heard that!" Camilo stated "heard what? Did you hear something tonio?" I asked and Tonio shook his head no

We all sit down and enjoy our breakfast (by the way the Ramirez just left) you know I'm really gonna miss Gio the most to be honest. We all finished breakfast and went to do our chores. I notice something different. Once I got to town I didn't see Cecilia where she normally is waiting for me. I walk up to her house and see her mom

"Oh y/n just the person I was looking for" Cecilia mom said "is Cecilia alright? Where is she?" I asked curious "oh she's not feeling well right now so I have her laying down resting" Cecilia mom said "I can get Julieta if you want" I said "yes please if you don't mind, but after I still want her resting so she'll be out tomorrow to play" She stated "that's ok as long of Cecilia is ok, I'll be back with Julieta" I say

I go to find Julieta and tell her and she went to Cecilia house.

"y/n dear!" I hear some old lady call me "coming!" I say

I run to the lady who called me. I was right it was an old lady.

"Can you help me move some stuff around dear?" The old lady ask "of course" I say

I moved the stuff the old lady wanted me to move and finished

"Thank you so much y/n" she says "no problem" I say with a smile

I finish my chores and head back to castia waiting for Antonio. I sit down in the middle of Castia looking outside where castia has its front door wide open. I wonder what's further beyond Encanto.

"What do you think is further beyond Encanto is Castia?" I asked the house

Castia replied by lifting the tiles under me.

"Yea" I replied

I sit there for a few minutes before I hear someone call my name

"Y/N I'M DONE WITH CHORES!!" Antonio yelled running to me with his arms wide open sprinting for a hug "ANTONIO!" I say and hug him back

At this point we're both in the on the ground laughing

"Ready to have the best day ever?" I asked "yes!" Antonio stated excitedly

Me and Antonio get off that floor and stand up. Antonio than grabs my hand and basically dragged me. Damn he's strong for an 8 year old. We're a little away from the backyard where there's this little spot of just plain concrete with chalk.

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now