Chapter 11

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"Ok now say something that will make me angry but nothing dealing with Camilo" I say while pointing my finger in her face

"Your dad, I'm very sorry if it bothers yo-" Mirabel said before getting cut off

My papa treated me like shit and Alijah which made me really pissed and I started to lift up the thing Mirabel wanted me to lift up and her jaw was dropped to the ground but my face was really red and I started Turing red til I heard my name get called which made me Drop the thing and I couldn't control it cause it was so fast and Mirabel was right under. I hurry and run to push Mirabel out of the way

"YOU ALMOST DIED MIRA!" I kinda yell

She had a shocked face still. I got up wiped myself down and helped Mira up and she dust herself off and still quiet. We walked around for a while till it got dark and Mira said nothing after what happen.

"Uh Mira, are you alright? You've haven't talked since yk what happen earlier." I saw while rubbing my arm stoping our walk "yea I was just shocked how mad you can be at your dad" she says stopping "yea my papa treated me and Alijah like shit but I don't wanna talk about it especially today but I could since no one remembered even my best friend and boyfriend oh but if you ask Camilo or Dolores since she can hear yk everything" I say "remember what?" Mira said

Mirabel pov:
I don't want y/n to actually be sad on her birthday.

"Remember what?" I say as if I actually forgot today is her birthday

"My birthday is today" y/n said she sound really sad to

I ignored her and looked at Camilo, Bruno, and Antonio outside before I tell y/n to cover her eyes I turned around and see she was hovered by a bunch of little kids and I laugh. I turned around and see if I could bring her in before the guest arrived and they nod. I grabbed y/n wrist to get her away from the kids and to also show her

"Cover your eyes and no peeking" I tell y/n

"Why?" She ask "just cover them!" I say excitedly

Y/N pov:
"Ok ok" I reply to Mira

Why do I need to cover my eyes? Well atleast she helped me get away from the swarm of kids

"Ok open them" I hear Mira, Milo, Tonio, and Bruno say

I open my eyes and see Castia fully decorated, with a snack table, and more I was on the verge of crying

"Happy birthday lil sis" Alijah said and the happy birthdays kept coming and coming til it got to Camilo

"Happy birthday mi amor, I have a gift extra special for you, but you have to wait till later" Camilo whispers in my ear and winks and I just stand there red.

"There's a gift special for you outside" mama says as she kiss my forehead

"Is it alive?! "Is is a person?" I say while guessing

"JUST GO OUT!" I hear Alijah yell

"SHUT THE FUCK UP ALIJAH NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU" I yell back as if he's not right next to me.

Mama than snacks the back of both our heads "ow!" We both said.

Castia opens the back door and I see Max my favorite cousin (he's 26 years old) I run up to him and jump on him

"I missed you too happy birthday N\N" Max says

Max is my favorite cousin and when papa would abuse me Max would always be there to take me away from him. We've been in contact but lost it for a year.

"Thank you guys, I mean I really thought no one would remember" I say

"Of course we would remember and even if we forget Camilo, Antonio, and Mirabel would have reminded us" Isabella said and I laugh

We all had fun took pictures, laughed and it was getting dark and to be honest I wasn't feeling like going home

"Mama is it alright if I stay here for tonight?" I asked mama and she nodded.

Camilo dragged be and I waved bye since I couldn't say it cause Camilo dragged me well threw me over his shoulders

⚠️Smut WARING next chapter⚠️

Thank you guys for waiting patiently while I work on the book

There would be smut the next chapter but it might not be long

But have a good night or evening or day or afternoon w/ <3 💜🦋

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