Chapter 4

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A few moments later
It was lunch time so me and mama and the madrigals ate lunch outside today since it was a nice day. I heard my name get called so I went outside to see what it was but it was Camilo being me for seconds and I hear Senor Felix say "Camilo stop acting like y/n for seconds" than Camilo shape shift back and said "with a shot" I laugh as Castia hits his back "ow!" than Camilo ass "AH! OK!" He says while rubbing his back. I joined next to him "so your pretending to be me huh?" I said while smirking "it worked for a while" he smirked and I just roll my eyes.

I decided to sit next to Isabella today not to tease Camilo or maybe so. "Hey Isa" I said while sitting down next to her "hey y/n" she replied. Me and Isa were talking and talking but I felt a pair of eyes on me I look towards Camilo direction and than he got up a left.

Was it because I didn't sit by him like I would usually? I didn't think it'll actually make him upset. I felt bad. What if it was because I didn't sit by him? Did I do something? Why'd I even do that? 

"Sorry Isa but I have to go" I told her whole getting up and she nods I'm pretty sure she knows why.

I go up to Camilo door and before I could knock castia opened it for me "Gracias castia" I went in "Camilo?" I say softly I see him laying in his bed with his face in his pillow. "So you come to me now after seeing me leave? And on top of that you didn't sit next to me like you usually do" He stated as raising his head from his pillow with a sad face. I walk up to him "you know I was just teasing you" I say

I felt bad.

"Just go away" Camilo says "Camilo please" I say with guilt "just go away please y/n" he says. I walk out with one more look at him before leaving back home and say bye.

I didn't even tell anyone I was leaving and Dolores would have already knew. I felt so bad. I didn't think he would react like that. I guess I really hurt him. He probably won't ever talk to me again. I got home and went to my room and started crying. By time I was done crying it was already dark and I heard mama just coming back home.

I heard her call my name but I didn't bother to leave my bed and she just came into my room but knocked first so she lets me know it's just her.

"Mija are you ok?" Mama asked concerned, I looked up at her and shook my head no and she saw my eyes and her eyes widen "Mija your eyes a puffy and red! What made you cry so much for so long to make your eyes like that?" She asked really confused and concerned now "Camilo" I whispered "what'd he do? You know I could tell Pepa" she says as she does that thing moms always do "nothing mama it's what I did" I say as I started to sound like im gonna start crying "what did you do?" She asked. I told everything and started crying again but than mama got me to calm down and aid I should talk to him tomorrow which I will cause I really felt bad.

"Goodnight Mija" mama said "night mama" I said back

Special someone (Camilo Madrigal x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now