Chapter 16

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Few days later
Today is Mirabel's birthday! I started to go out to buy Mirabel some sewing things since she loves to Sew. I look for a gift bag for her and I see one but it's not a normal gift bag it's a hand-made one somewhat like Mirabel but different I decided to buy it for her since the fabric with some needles and a need pillow would fit in it. I started to head back home when Mirabel calls my name and I quickly put the stuff behind my back

"What you got there y/n?" Mirabel ask tryna peek around "uh nothing important, oh but happy birthday Mira!" I say "thanks but I'm curious on what's behind your back" Mira says with a raised eyebrow "I think my mama called me I got to go" I say smiling nervously and running back

Mirabel pov:
Weird I didn't hear anyone call y/n name but it's the fact that she remembered my birthday I mean no one else forgot but I didn't think I would get a lot of birthday wishes but my mind was focused on what y/n had behind her.

"MIRABOO" I here papa yell

I love my papa don't get me wrong but I'm Turing 17 and papa still calls me that

"Miraboo?" I hear Alijah say while walking next to me than he starts to laugh "it's not funny" I say while crossing my arms but smiling

Do I like y/n brother? I mean I always smile when I see him and y/n is dating my cousin but he's my cousin not my sibling.

Y/N pov:
I run up to my room and get Mirabel gift ready and I started heading to castia. Once I got there I could tell Pepa is really really happy I mean there's a whole fuckin rainbow. I walked inside and everyone is so happy like really happy.

What the fuck is going on I think to myself.

"I don't know what happen to them, they'll like that when I got here with Mirabel" Alijah said coming out of no where "oh shit! Stop fuckin doing that!" I say "wait you and Mirabel?" I asked to make sure that's what he said "yea something wrong with that?" Alijah asked "nope where is she?" I asked "her room" Alijah said just before walking out. I grabbed Alijah arm and dragged him to Mirabel room with me.

If they're dating. I mean they always seem like they're dating so they have to be dating. I walk into Mirabel room

"Happy birthday here's your present from me and I have a question" I say handing the present to her "thanks and yea?" She said looking at her gift. "Are you and Alijah dating?" I asked pushing Alijah next to Mirabel. "No" they both said kinda nervous "ok than I guess I'll get going" I say with a smirk

I started to run to find Dolores and Alijah chased after me and Mirabel just stood there. Alijah knew I was going to get Dolores since she knows everything. I started to pace up my speed. Dolores wasn't in Castia so she must be in the back

"Castia help me out, get me to the backyard" I said "THAT IS NOT FAIR!" Alijah yelled and he started to get faster and caught up to me and I saw Dolores and ran straight to her

"Hey Dolores" I say outta breathe "hey y/n are you ok?" Dolores asked and before I could say anything Camilo picks me up and throws me over his shoulders "what the fuck camilo" I say tryna get down "I need you" he says while Turing around "ok than" Dolores says "I'll catch you later I have something important to ask you!" I say

Me well Camilo walks back to castia where Alijah is standing "here she is" Camilo says putting me down "hey now that's not fair you used my boyfriend to get me!" I say bought to turn back "it is" Alijah says grabbing my wrist "it's not cause Camilo can shape shift into someone fast" I say breaking free and running to Dolores. Camilo already left and went to finished his chores and I managed to make it to Dolores before I got left up again "ugh would you guys stop throwing me over the shoulders!" I say pissed "y/n" I hear Bruno call me "coming!" I yelled and Alijah put me down. I stick my tongue out at him "your such a kid y/n" Alijah says walking next to me and I just roll my eyes.

I make it to the kitchen where Bruno is "hey Bruno what's up?" I say

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