Chapter 21

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3 hours later \ y/n pov
I put on my plaid blue pj pants with a black tang top and everyone started to come.
Camilo and Luisa bought the snacks, Isabella and Mirabel bought flashlights and pillows, Dolores and Antonio bought blankets. I see Camilo is wearing the same thing as me just pants and a black shirt

"Why are you always matching me hermoso?" I asked "your always copying me" Camilo says with a grin and I just roll my eyes.

"So I firgued we can tell scary stories and than watch some movies for the rest of the night" Mirabel said and everyone agreed

We all sat in a circle. Camilo sat next to me in my right and Luisa sat next to me on my left while Antonio sat on my lap and Isabella is sitting next to Luisa and Dolores is sitting next to Isa and than Mira is sitting next to Dolores. Mirabel and Camilo were telling the stories while Camilo shapeshift into the characters and doing they're voices. They can be like a story teller that make lots of money. They got to this one part which scared Antonio which caused him to turn his head towards me and hug me while his face is buried in my neck. He gets it from Camilo.

"Your scary the poor baby" I say jokingly

We all finished scary stories and decided to watch some movies

"So what do y'all wanna watch?" I asked "um I don't know" Luisa said shrugging "you pick" Dolores said. "Um I don't know"I said "My movies aren't really kid friendly expect for the first 3" I said looking at Antonio "it's ok I was gonna leave anyways" Antonio said "bye" he added and I gave him a hug "so what were we gonna watch?" Mirabel asked tilting her head "Harry Potter" I say with a huge smile "Your such a nerd mi amor" Camilo said hugging me from behind "shut up dingus"I say "ugh gross you guys make us all wanna date" Dolores says "you have Mariano and I'm not pretty sure about you Luisa but Isa and Mirabel have the-" I replied but the both cut me off "shut up and put the movie on" they both say

I put on Harry Potter and we all got comfortable and ate some snacks.

"God Ron is so fine" I say and Mirabel agreed "what about me?" Camilo said looking up to me "Your fine too but Ron is more fine" I say teasing him "than I'll dye my hair red" he says "NO" we all yelled and Camilo laughs "but seriously" Camilo added on "your real amor and Ron isn't" I say "but if he was than I would be dating him" I added on "yea ooo! I would be dating blasie!" Mirabel added on "I'll go for pansy" Luisa said and we all looked at her "what?" She asked "o my god" I say "LUISA YOUR LESBIAN?!" I say excitedly and she nods "I'LL SUPPORT YOU NO MATTER WHAT!" I say and everyone else agrees which made Luisa smile "what about you Isa and Dolores?" I asked "um I would say Harry" Dolores said and I nod in agreement "probably Bill or Fred" Isa says "Camilo?" I asked looking down at him "do I have to answer your nerdy question?" He asked and I nod "fine um I don't know you" he says "I'm not in there Milo answer the question please and I'll let you be for the rest of the movie!" I say "ok fine Hermione or Luna, cause they remind me of you" he says "Your so cheesy" I replied and kissed his forehead

We watched the Harry Potter movies till the 5th one (half-blood prince) everyone was sleep but Luisa.

Luisa pov:
I saw everyone sleep so I turned the tv off. I'm glad they accept me for being lesbian but I have to tell mama and papa soon, I'll probably tell them tomorrow since we're off and that I'm talking to someone at the moment. It took me awhile to fall asleep till I eventually did

A\N: sorry this chapter is a bit shorter it's just cause I think I'm sick but I'm not for sure I just have a stuffy and runny nose at the same time but I will still make longer ones it just might take a second for them to post and be out for you guys to read.

Stay safe and eat and drink it's good for you

Have a good day w/ <3 yanna out

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