Chapter 22

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Antonio pov:
"Tonito can you go wake the others up and tell them it's time for lunch? I don't know why none of them woke up yet and missed breakfast" mama says "yes mama"

I walk up to y/n room and open the door and see everyone still sleeping.

How can they stay sleep like that?

"EVERYONE WAKE UP MAMA SAYS LUNCH IS READY" I yelled causing them to all wake up "Ai Antonio!" Camilo says "it's already lunch time?" Dolores says rubbing her eyes "si" I replied "Tonio what time is it?" y/n says yawing "1:34" I answered "ok we'll be there in a second" y/n says "ok hurry Abuela has an announcement" I say and leave

"They're coming mama" I say

I grab some food and sit down at the table. I still wonder how they can sleep that long especially Dolores since she can hear everything but it doesn't matter to me. I was bought to start eating

"Nu uh uh Tonito wait till everyone is hear" mama says "but mama I'm hungry" I say "you just ate, besides here they come now" mama says and I frown

Camilo pov:
We all went down stairs in our pjs not even properly dressed yet. "Hola mama, hola papa" me and Dolores say.

"Finally all of you guys are awake, how long were you guys up for?" Papa ask "not long just till 11" Luisa said

We all sat down and ate

"I see the rest of the kids made it to lunch" abuela says as that only Antonio was up "the Ramirez family is coming for the week and will be staying here" Abuela says

I roll my eyes same as Mira and Isabella, we don't like them at all and they're middle daughter Natalie is so annoying and had a huge crush on me and still does, I wonder how y/n would react it'd be funny.

"They'll be coming tomorrow morning and everyone be up!" Abuela says looking at all of us

We finished eating and get dressed so we can spend the last free day together. I put on black jeans with a black button down. I head down stairs.

Y/N pov:
I don't know what to wear ugh! Why is it so hard? Fuck it. I put on some ripped jeans with a white a button down with my converse and decided to just leave my hair down with two braids going from the front to the back (ifyk what I mean srry I can't explain it good) with some bracelets and rings and headed down stairs.

Isa is wearing a purple dress that's a bit flowy with a flower belt around her waist, Luisa is wearing a white shirt with overalls with her normal bracelets, Mirabel has a white skirt with a yellow shirt on, Camilo has black jeans with a black button down always tryna copy me, Dolores has ripped jeans and a red shirt with some cool designs on, and Antonio has what Camilo has but a white normal shirt instead of a button down. Antonio runs up to me

"Can I have a piggy back ride while we walk?!" Antonio asked excitedly "of course you can"I say

Tonio gets on my back and we start walking to who knows where. Isa picked the place out.

"It's a little bit over the mountain and out of Encanto" Isa says

We kept walking till we was out of encanto a little we make it and it's this beautiful place

We kept walking till we was out of encanto a little we make it and it's this beautiful place

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