Chapter I: Through Thick and Thin

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''Like you'll be there through Thick and Thin...'' Catja sung quite softly, her calm, soothing voice whispered through the air, repeating those same words from the song she's listening to. 

She leaned on her seat, taking a look on the skyscrapers of New York as she listened to her song in repeat. She would then take her phone out, checking her messages...

She let out a sigh, to see a lot of notifications on her phone. She placed it in silent mode for the last hours due to the fact it is filled with a lot of messages from her 'friends'. Mostly online, that she barely even know. Then the other, is a group chat of their school classrooms, divided into subjects and often annoys her. Then of course, her 'friends' that she often know were just there because for some favours and plays online if they wanted to. And of course, one of them is using her as a tool for their antics. At least the other defends her through that patch...

 And then her own family, as if she was invisible. Her mother favoured her brother, and her cousin, whom she liked the most, due to her empathetic nature and comfort she can give to her, started drifting away for a reason. A Friend of Hers, took her away from the job to look after her. She pondered much, if she'll ever escape this feeling of loneliness, and despair that she felt. Hiding it beneath her calm exterior, as it slowly corrupts her into someone else. She thought about it at times, once was an ecstatic girl, and now somewhat cold and detached. 

''Queens...'' She muttered, getting off her seat. She took her bag with her, and went out to the platform. Taking the stairs to the pavement, and took a walk to the her street...


''Good Afternoon- uh I mean, Evening.'' He chuckled, nodding a bit awkwardly as he was taking out the trash...

''Evenin''' She said, quite a little upbeat rather than her usual broody self earlier. She's known this boy for a while now, he's a year older than her but he's always seemed to be the nerd type, awkward one as well. A few times he was left by the bus and he had to chase it down, she still remembers how funny that was. Although she felt bad a while later on when she knows he was being bullied by Flash Thompson, and with his straight up kindness still, she found a small gap in her heart to allow a small of her emotion to act around him than the usual covered and attitude type.

''So, How's it going Pete?'' She asked, quite curious about the trash there. She's known for being quite a weirdo, maybe that's why people avoid her. But in truth, she's always just curious and wants to do things always. The imaginative type that yearns to touch the essence of reality. Yet was hurt by it.

''Well, Good. I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get one of these garbage bags at the store. She always loves hoarding these to her apartment. I don't know why.'' He chuckled, as he seems to be quite observant of her at times, knowing what she's going through. Although he seems reluctant to talk to her about it, knowing her life is in shambles. Yelling, and all the things that happen in her house.

''Peter! Your Uncle Ben needs your help with this bulb..!'' Aunt May told her nephew, opening the screen door slightly as if she was in a hurry to cook for dinner.

''Coming Aunt May!'' He said, ''I'm sorry, but I had to go--'' He was cut off by Catja,

''Oh no- no! It's fine! You should go.'' She chuckled, shooing the nerd, Peter Parker back to his house as he was laughing. Repeating the words, ''Alright..!'' as he waved, heading inside...

Cat actually wants him to stay a bit longer, she seems to be quite fine around him as if she's found another person to hold onto. She leaned on the fence for a few seconds, thinking if he could be that person to give a proper understanding of her. But as life went through her for the past 14 years, she left reluctantly, knowing at the end of the day, they will leave...


She never really found anything at home rather than herself, the food and the roof. Her mother, is really close to her brother. And often gives him the spoils of what she earns. Barely to Catja, as she was to fend for herself even in her own home. Without that warmth of love, but the feeling of abandonment, as if she was only there to be a nuisance, or a guest.

The thoughts were always intrusive, managing to give her a hard time to adjust. And certainly, gives her the melancholic feeling of her own heart. That she has closed due to the numerous betrayals of her 'friends', left out by most, being let go from the grasp of her own mother...

She slowly wrapped herself in her blanket, taking a moment to cherish even a little of her time. But knowing the worst of herself has been there always, she always seems to give the helm to it. Just to hide the fragile feelings and emotions of a young girl who simply wants to live...

''Good Night...'' She whispered into thin air, smirking a little bit before finally closing her eyes. To wait for a new day, whether to live, or to die...

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