Chapter VI: I Feel Fine..! Totally?!

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''Desmond really loves his ol' playlist. I don't know, I'm a modern type but I think It's catchy..'' She muttered to herself, strolling around the town. She was waiting for the 4:25PM Train to arrive. As a Taxi would cost her big or a bus will take even longer.

''What the-!'' She jolted all of a sudden, due to her 'senses'. Looking to her right, an old alleyway. She took a peek on what's going on, but she never even saw anything other than dusty old books and certain trashes.

She looked up to see something else. A Spider, in a web. It seems to be crawling around, building its nest. Looking at the spider had her thinking of her early encounter with Flash and the 'substance' she had that stuck around a few items during lunch time.

''This is delusional or I'm crazy but, Hooray I'm a Spider like you then?'' She scoffed, letting it out on the poor spider on the ceiling.

''My Day's been going well to be honest, but this is crazy...'' She let out a sigh, squatting down for a bit. She thought about it first, thinking quite deeply. After a few minutes, she looked back at the spider that was crawling on its own web. She took a quick look at her palms, a thought popped into her mind. She raised a brow, taking a look at the bricked wall around the corner that extends up to the rooftop of a building...

''I'm officially crazy.'' She chuckled a bit. She walked up to the wall, looking left and right for any person that might be watching. After finalizing there aren't any, she placed her palms on the wall. Followed by her foot, the other used for balancing herself in case she is indeed a lunatic.

She was starting to believe in herself,  when her eyes went wide and with a surprise when she took her balancing foot off the ground. And she was sticking, on the wall itself.

''Hoho... Goodness me..!'' She grinned, as she started sticking and crawling like a spider. She took up quite up to the rooftop as she was laughing and smiling quite broadly as if she was gifted with such power.

''WOOH!'' She screamed as she was jumping across rooftops, discovering her ability to leap quite high. Upon reaching the 4th building, she stopped. The next building in her sights is quite far across the wide street. Although she did noticed a few cranes, the construction of a building nearby seems to be on a lunch break.

''Okay, that looks a bit far. If I'm a Spider, then I guess I can spurt out some web. Maybe that's the one that came out of my wrists..'' She looked at her wrist, confirming some kind of white spot with an unusual pattern. 

''So it is my fault I caused Flash Slow-Mo's shirt stains..'' She grinned, as she was preparing for her 'stunt'.

''Okay then, let's go Spidey-Web!'' She extended her arm with her palms quite open,- Nothing really came out.

''That's unusual-, how does it not..! Go!'' She tried it again to no avail, ''Jeez louis this is the most not so spider-like thing that happened to me this day-! Just go, Kaboom!'' She groaned in annoyance as it doesn't seem to be working--

''Holy-!'' A brief strands of her webbing came out of her wrists when she did a hand sign, as it looks like pushing both ring and middle finger towards the center of her palm stimulates a muscle reaction that caused her webbing to came out.

''Okay-! There it goes. I'm a Spider. A Spider.'' She felt anxious due to the fact she'll be doing a daredevil stunt out of nowhere. She thoughtfully removed her earphones for a while, keeping them in her pocket while she prepared. Taking a breather...

She finally focused after a while, and did the hand sign a bit longer from earlier. Spurting web from her wrist as it latches into the unoccupied crane. Surprising her as she let go of the sign, grabbing her webbing quickly.

''I've been to gymnastics only for a while until my mother focused my brother's thing. Okay, easy does it...'' She talked to herself, trying to take herself out of her anxiety as she stood on the ledge of the building in broad daylight. Hopefully nobody catches her at this moment...

Taking one step out to thin air, gravity pulled her body down quickly. Holding onto the webbing as if it was the last thing that can help her get out of this alive- she out a scream for a few seconds- when she realised that webbing is about to crash her towards a billboard.

With her quick thinking, she was able to spurt out another web line using her other hand. Taking the force and momentum, she was able to swing out of the way from crashing into the billboard. Narrowly avoiding such an accident that could have been, she nearly crashed into another wall when she spurted out another web line. She felt as if she was swinging on ropes or chains.

She gained momentum after she swung towards the last crane she doesn't know which way to fire a web line after letting go. She was anxious, but the momentum actually took her towards a rooftop of a nearby building that she landed on, quite nervous thinking she might break a bone or two. To realise she was actually landed on the floor, unscathed due to her enhanced strength.

''I guess like it's like jumping but with style and momentum. I'm hooked!'' She let out a yelp of excitement, before her phone went off. An Alarm. The Train's coming.

''Crap! I'mma be late!'' She ran off quickly to reach the Train...


''Sup! I'm skipping dinner, I've ate a lot today. But can I get an Iced Latte?'' She entered the house, skipping towards the staircase as she requested.

''Oh sure Cat. Just don't forget to brush up soon..'' Her mother said to her,

''Yup- Woah! Easy there Shirtless Dude.'' She suddenly jolted to the left as she 'sensed' her sleepy older brother, lacking clothes other than his underwear nearly bumped to her in the staircase. He let out a groan, before heading down as Cat went over to the bathroom to brush and wash up...

In the bathroom, she looked at herself for a bit in front of the mirror. Re-examining her look and changes that happened. Re-assessing that what happened to her earlier in the morning. That the changes that happened to her...

She let out a smirk as she seems to be having fun making faces in front of the mirror, while posing as if she's in front of a camera.

After that,  she let out a giggle before starting her shower, prepping up. Tossing her clothes to the dirty clothe bin, in an accurate manner...


''There we go.'' She smirked, as she repaired that door knob she broke by applying a few of her webbing to it behind the knob. It can finally slide, as she left the bathroom only wearing a bathrobe.

Entering her room, locking it up as she changed into her casuals. A Light blue Long-Sleeve Sweater and a gray sweatpants for now.

''Okay let's do some research..'' She went to her laptop, turning it on. While she sipped an Iced Latte, placed on the table by her mum earlier. She was thinking about what it caused this one.

During her research for minutes and soon hours, she ended up garnering a few information regarding this. Radioactivity kills people slowly, but receiving a bite from a radioactive spider didn't even do anything to her other than give her powers. She let out a chuckle of nervousness, that hopefully she doesn't grow more legs or more eyes which she saw as a mutation if her genes literally changed.

Other than that, she accepted the fact she can spun out webs, climb walls, sense things in slow-motion at times, and of course, a Spider-Human Mutate.

She was about to jump to her bed, to sleep quite a bit early. Although she noticed from her window, Mary Jane Watson was there greeting her boyfriend. Running towards him as she leapt to his arms.

To her dismay, she noticed Peter was actually looking at them both like he lost the chance to express his own feelings for Mary Jane. She felt bad for him and quite wanting to comfort him. But he soon entered his house. She sat on her bed, while pondering if she should text him. But she was quite shy to ask his own number...

As she was about to sleep, she thought about Harry. He probably knows it and can give it to her. She kept her goals to that, while thinking for the fact she has 'powers'. And it would probably change her life forever. Another chance, to mask out her previous life...

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