Chapter XI: Levitating

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''[I'm pretty sure of this! That vigilante? I don't think she's a menace at all. She changed her look and she looked so lively!]'' The woman giggled, being interviewed for her encounter...

''[Yes, Yes! I saw her, standing there. Then the robbers, turned around. That woman laughed, wrapping those thugs in some sort of white ropes coming out of her wrist! Is that what they call the Spider Vigilante? She looked so different. She helped me sorting out my shop..!]'' A Store-Owner described his encounter with the vigilante after being robbed, he seems to be in a happy mood.

''[...I don't really know, why you ya'll call her the vigilante or spider vigilante. She deserves a proper title! She's a friendly superhero around, saving your butts from cuts..! At least she saves your blood from the flood! I recommend, Spider-Woman! Or maybe Spider-Girl, I don't know! I only encountered her once nearby, her voice seems to be higher so, I think I'll go with Spider-Girl..!]''  He was vlogging right around the corner street with a few people in the background waving, they were smiling, inspired from the newly dubbed superhero of New York City, The Friendly Neighbourhood, Spider-Girl!

''Wow, that was great...'' She chuckled, tapping her phone to play some of Desmond's music. Wearing her newly acquired ear pods from Desmond's Stash in that Box she made her costume. A gift as he called it. Right timing while she listened to Levitating. Although she kept the other in her bag for her to hear any sirens or emergencies.

Wearing her backpack after storing her phone inside, she stretched for a bit. Before standing up. The sun's reflection showed her lenses reflecting the rays. She took a deep breath and out, before taking a nose dive off the building... Her anxiety built up, although not as strong as ever since she's getting used to this.

A web line was fired from her wrist, connecting towards a building's ceiling. She took the momentum, swinging towards the Manhattan Proper. Firing another web line to another building and doing the same. While she waved for a bit, chuckling to the bystanders if she ever got close.

She bobbed her head for a bit, while she enjoyed swinging with some casual music. ''Nice one Desmond. Resourceful.'' She chuckled, swinging past buildings and establishments. Letting go of her web, she'd be doing some poses she found quite fun to do before being brought down by gravity. Firing another web line, she went over towards the boroughs, hoping to catch some naughty thieves...

''Yo! Hurry up with the cash!'' He threatened the cashier by pointing his gun towards his head, the cashier finished and tossed him the bag with the money on it. He was quick to storm off the back alleyway, while the cops recently arrived...

Although it was short lived when he turned around, to see a figurine. Lithe, slender, and seems to be focused on him. Dressed in a Red and Blue Spandex outfit with detailed webbing, with her mask like the outfit, was cased with a Red colour scheme and Detailed webbings. While her eyes, those white ones, intimidated him..

The distraction was in place, as he was taken by surprise. She fired a web line towards hand, where his weapon is- pulling it off. To his horror, he was quickly pulled with another web line that fired quite quick to his body. He was yanked towards this figurine, taking him a moment to process, that this was the vigilante. Now known, as Spider-Girl. And a quick strike to his head had him in pain on the ground. Blood seeping from his nose as he groaned...

''Phew! Seriously dude, there's still a chance for you to get a job but you blew it by choosing this path.'' She shook her head, before webbing both his arms to the floor. He was still groaning from the strike he received while Spider-Girl took the bag of cash with her.

''Here you go sir!'' She let out a chuckle, tossing the bag of money towards the shop owner who is outside, in front of his shop talking to the cops as she swung past towards them to their amazement...

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