Chapter IV: Really Teach? My Playlist, My Phone- OW!

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''Cat.'' Ms. Gueverra tapped on Cat's shoulders. She was leaning on the window of the bus, having her earphones on and certainly quite busy messing with her phone. She turned her head, taking off her hood as she looked at Ms. Gueverra directly.

''Your Phone. I've explicitly said about gadgetry stuff should only be used for Photography. Music, and other things like social media, games aren't allowed. And I believe I warned you, twice but maybe your music is quite loud. Now I'm afraid I have to take that for the whole trip.'' She said,

''Ugh, Fine.'' She rolled her eyes as she surrendered her phone. She was actually considering to protest but she didn't, not wanting to get trouble nor ruin her day. Although she is tempted to talk to Aisha, who is seated beside Roi. Although they're at the front anyways, it's a far walk and the bus was strict on its two person per seat.

She thought about Parker again, although they were separated in a few school busses at the campus, divided by their grade levels. She would clearly want to talk to him right now due to his calm, understanding and kind demeanor attitude that she finds intriguing including his awkwardness... And without any prior connections at all that made her feel comfortable around him...

Soon enough, she already saw the Oscorp Tower on the Horizon. And Ms. Gueverra was already preparing a few of her stuff, indicating they're about to disembark for their educational trip...


After a few hours of unnecessary parking, introductions and organizing the students, she hung out with Aisha and Roi, as they went around the exhibition along with the other students. They often ask questions, while Aisha would be taking pictures with Cat as the Photographer. Roi on the other hand has been told off by a few scientist, and even Harry Osborn himself by pounding on glass exhibits of the experimental species developed by Oscorp...

''Okay, this part of the exhibit is freaking me out. I mean look at those 8 legged spiders. They maybe colourful but they're quite... freaky and you know--'' She said,

''Yeah, I can see that. At least they're not huntsman. Or the big ones.'' Cat chuckled, as they continued to stroll. Roi would be catching up still, being scolded by Osborn and a few teachers for touching an exhibit. She also noticed a security guard nearby being reprimanded for his laziness, although he looks really guilty from it, he doesn't deserve that treatment. He was eventually reassigned into another part of the tower, right then she stopped eavesdropping as she couldn't take it...

She would go for a stroll along with Aisha, they noticed Peter Parker was being requested by a few people for photographs, especially with his could be printed in quality that could be framed. Recently taking Mary Jane Watson's as she thanked him for that. Cat waved her hand in an awkwardly manner to get his attention, smiling a bit while Aisha seems to be focused looking at the spiders.

''Hey, Cat. I saw your phone with Ms. Gueverra, along with Aisha... Something.. happen?'' He asked, chuckling as he seems curious.

''Oh, I was listening to music and scrolling through my playlist and Aisha, well... The usual scrolling social media type.'' She chuckled,

''Well, I can take a photograph if you want. Just get into a position and pose whatever you want..'' He chuckled, as Cat quickly grabbed Aisha.

They both posed for the photograph, leaning near the spider casings. Peter took the photograph 3 times, after that, Cat was quick to run towards him.

''Yup, we look cool don't we?'' She chuckled, as Aisha went next, taking a look as well. Before muttering some words and went off to a nearby exhibit.

''I'll get them printed soon, it can always be picked up in the photography class.'' He chuckled, smiling.

''Anyways, I do have to go and take a few shots of the faculty. They're enjoying this.'' He laughed, as Cat laughed as well.

''So, Goodbye then? I'll.. see you later I suppose.'' Cat smiled,

''Sure, I mean I'm always at home. I don't do much but, at least I try. See you later Catja.'' He smiled too, chuckling.

Cat chuckled, as she seems to be getting a good time in this field trip. She went back to the spider casings, and noticed one of the case was missing a Spider. There was also a few warnings and descriptions of them. This one, hasn't got one. Other than an experimental spider that was created within the lab and testing its survivability based on radiation.

Cat was intrigued, although she wondered where the little guy went. Walking away from the exhibit, she never realised that little spider had made its way towards her hoodie. Crawling in a slow pace as it seems to be blending its colour within...


She recently got her phone back as she sat alone on the bus again, while Aisha was seated with Roi again due to the latter's obsessive nature to talk. Ms. Gueverra got over soon and gave Cat her phone back, which she just nodded and never said anything to the Teacher. As she wore her earphones and started listening to her playlists again, she felt this sensation where something is crawling on her hand...

''OW!'' It was too late for her to get it off as it already bit her. Although she managed to slap what bit her, she noticed it was a Spider. The Spider that was missing from the exhibition, the one with a special 'mutation'. She was shocked to see this, although it was dead and it doesn't matter anymore. And whatever symptoms she might get, all she needs is some water and some pills that can lower her fever. At least school's out of session for her then. She immediately threw the dead spider out of the window, before using her handkerchief to wrap her hand, which includes the wound. It bled a little although, nothing much to worry about...

''Oh- Ms. Gueverra, may I be dropped off from the nearest train station around here?'' She quickly raised her hand, after applying a bit of pressure from her wound to minimize the pain.

''It isn't recommended after all, since it would be better to get off the school. Although it is your choice if you want.'' She responded,

''Yes, I'll be okay. It'll be only a stop to Queens, I'll be fine don't worry.'' Cat said, as Ms. Gueverra nodded and notified the Driver...

After a few minutes, she got off from the bus when she arrived at her destination, waving at Aisha and Roi before she went to the platform and took a train back home in Queens.


She felt cold and feverish, as it was taking her slowly the moment she got off that train and made her way towards her neighbourhood. Eventually as she reached her house, taking a look back to see if Peter was there. He wasn't there, as she had the thought he's possibly late because of the field trip.

Twisting the knob of the front door of her house, she entered to find her mother eating dinner with her brother, Eddie. Shirtless as usual with his Blue boxers on as she always find it kind of funny and disgusting at the same time.

''Hey Cat, How's the trip?'' Her mother asked, while Eddie was quite busy with his iPad or whatever he's doing.

''Uh, Great. Look I know we still have the talk Mum, but my head really hurts and I'm tired so, can we... talk about it another time when I feel okay?'' She requested it, as the feverish cold seem to be taking her by each passing second.

''It's okay Cat, go on. Get some rest. I still have to do some chores down here, Good Night.'' She told her, smiling a bit as she looked tired.

Cat barely smiled at her mother, afterwards she quickly took the stairs to her room. As the fever is at its highest. She fell to her bed as soon as she saw it. She took her shoes off and threw them away. She quickly enveloped herself in her blanket as she shivered from the chilling sensation of the fever. The Spider bite on her hand grew large, swelling quite much as she was close to passing out. The thought of death was close within her, and she doesn't know if she'd accept it or not at all...

She never saw the light, but instead, she saw flashes. Flashes of certain 'scientific' models, that she learned during school. DNA, visions, hallucinations, and even the spider that bit her. She doesn't know what's happening, but she's scared, and she wants to wake up soon enough. And she did...

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