Chapter IX: New

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''I hate mondays, but Desmond's music is literally blasting in my ears.'' She listened to this next song, while the class was in shambles...

She sat on her desk, covering her notebook as she seems to be sketching a model of a new outfit for her new hobby. Taking the account of her friends' advice yesterday, she seemed to be giving a positive vibe about this rather than a 'cool, looking dark vigilante'...

She bobbed her head, back and forth while enjoying the music. Taking one of her coloured pencils, covering the torso in a yellow hue. Although she finds it lacking, she continued on to see which outfit could be the best for her...

Although her musical moment was cut short, when her senses went off. Knowing trouble's about to come...

''So, what are you drawing this time? Ignoring Lady.'' Roi approached her, as she looked up to her...

''Doing Homework. I'm busy for the last days. Stop bothering me really, we can play sometimes...'' She let out sigh quite busy sketching. Although Roi attempted to forcefully take her notebook all of a sudden, but thanks to her 'Spider-Senses', she was quick to take her notebook away from Roi's hands. Much to Roi being upset at Cat's reflexes working out.

''Why are you ignoring me like this?!'' She was actually getting pissed, and so does Cat. 

''You know this is abuse!'' Roi kept it up on Cat while the class was literally a noisy warehouse.

''If that's abuse I'll be doing it for months now. And I only stopped playing with you only for 2 days. Do you even know what abuse means? Jeez!'' She sighed,

''Of course I do! Abuse means a repeated actions of hurting a person on purpose! Like Bullying. You're a bully then too-''

''You know what fine! Pick a time, tell me..!'' She ended up with an upset look,

''Good. Make that 6PM. I still need your help with the credits in-game.'' Roi said, before heading off.

''Jeez Louise only if you can shut your mouth and not pretend you're always right... I can tell even Aisha doesn't like that...'' She rolled her eyes, muttering those words behind Roi...


With minutes to spare walking around the Queens Borough to her house, she heard the sirens nearby, her spider sense going off. Knowing her 'appointment' with Roi, she didn't have much of a choice. She'd rather do something heroic than do something that she was forced to do.

She went through an alleyway, as she quickly changed into her vigilante outfit. Her form-fitting pants were already on as her leggings, while she took her jacket from her bag and the mask. She quickly tied her short hair into a pony tail. Followed by her mask. She didn't bother changing shoes as she was in a hurry.

She threw her bag in the air, firing a web that stuck it through the brick wall. She leapt off from the ground, with a momentum before extending her arm, spurting out a web line to the nearby building's foundation.

She would be swinging around the borough, following the sirens. Due to the fact Desmond hasn't delivered the scanner yet, and she wasn't able to find out which location the crime that is happening right now...

''Bingo.'' She smirked, swinging towards the borough. Seeing a Beige Coloured Car, from the looks of the car's model, it looks like an old car yet clean.

She trailed this car along the way, swinging around. Although she was still anxious of losing control, she is after all slowly building her confidence and skill towards this new hobby of hers. Taking another shot at her web to swing around, she was able to find a vantage point by using the momentum as she pulled herself, then pushing off the brick wall as she took a dive towards the car...

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