Chapter VIII: Get Ready

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''It's a weekend anyway-- Oh goodness me, Desmond's old records yet again...'' She chuckled, as the song played while she was browsing around her wardrobe for a jacket.

 She eventually found her old black leather jacket. It was given by Kiera, it was a hand me down although she loves it, she had to put it away due to the fact she was judged by Aisha, Roi and the others for being too 'rocky' or 'old' for having that.

''This will do.'' She smirked, jamming along the music as she was piecing up a vigilante outfit for her mischievous activities in the following days or months...

Overall, she looked at the stuff she had. A White Crop Top, Black Leather Jacket, Black Sweatpants, her Adidas Shoes and a black domino mask she used a few years back during Halloween. They were all patterned to a black and white. Finding it quite a fitting one for a beginner to hide in the shadows. She let out a smirk, knowing this will be the first. She'll need to make a new one soon enough, something that's new and made by her own hands...

But for now? ''I'm ready.'' She chuckled, quite excitedly packing these stuff up...

...Sunday, 5:46PM...

''[...reports came in, confirming a superpowered vigilante that tied these thieves up in some kind of sticky ropes, or webbing from the looks of it...]'' The report came through a Television Set inside the warehouse. Where certain goons, and mercenaries were transferring illegal goods from a boat. They were also armed and dangerous...

''Seriously, these little time thugs will never be the same when Boss returns.'' He laughed, 

''Better to be with whom we trust other than those little craps.'' She scoffed, smirking.

''Oi, Where's Boogie?'' One of them noticed the package was on the floor, as if it was dropped suddenly.

''He better not be slacking off...'' She growled-. As the two of them went over there to check, the goon that was distracted with the Television heard something nearby. He quickly raises his weapon, as he was about to warn his allies--

A Web Projectile splattered in his mouth, he couldn't speak- nor talk. But the last thing he saw was a girl, with a mask who swung towards him with a momentum- a foot in his face was enough as he was knocked out. He took the fall, causing a bit of a noise when his body slammed to the floor, followed by his weapon...

''The hell?! Bron!'' She heard that, ''What happened to Joe?'' He asked as the two went over there to check their fellow comrade-. As they were examining him on what happened, behind them where the operation was going on..- Web linings could be seen going around, followed by muffled screaming, take downs and knocked out goons being hung with a webbing...

''Mika!'' He turned around to notice what just happened-...

''Shit..! That vigilante's here. You better start calling some backup if I were you..'' She told him,

''Hey! Coward! You're hiding in the shadows! Can't tell who you are and where you are? Don't ya?'' She laughed, mocking this vigilante. While her partner, the moment he grasped his radio- a web projectile splattered in his hand- sticking it to the radio. To his surprise, the vigilante is already there.

They both looked forward to expect this vigilante, but they never realised--

''I'm the Spider, and I'm right behind you.'' Cat smirked, hanging upside down with a webbing. To the surprise of those two criminals-- She was quick to do flip, downwards- her pony tail whipped Mika's eyes, distracting her while her foot connected towards Bron's crotch. Followed by an elbow to his face that caused a bleeding in his nose as he fell down to the floor in pain.

Mika attempted to shoot the vigilante, but she was quick. Taking the weapon and splitting into half using her strength.

''Not really applicable in close quarters.'' Cat chuckled, firing a web line to her face, pulling Mika down as a knee to the head was enough to knock her out...

''Well, that's it then. My Second Day's getting lucky.'' She laughed a bit after webbing the last two. Sirens were heard across the streets due to the sound, as she quickly took off afterwards. Firing a web line, swinging across the building. While a vlogging kid down the street captured the vigilante for the first time in camera...


''Well, it's circulating around the internet now.'' Peter let out a chuckle as he played the video on his laptop. Cat was beside him. Quite shocked at that revelation as her jaw was dropping for a bit.

''You okay?'' He noticed, finding it funny that she looked like a spacing out gal...

''Wha- Yeah! I'm fine. It's just I wasn't expecting the vigilante.. uh, to be seen like that. I thought she works in the shadows. She appeared yesterday but wasn't actually seen, but.. Seen now? I think that was quick and she's not ready.'' She seems to be stuttering, coming up with certain words that made her look awkward...

''Woah, easy. It's like you don't like her to be seen by anyone. Well, I don't really know. It's just my hunch knowing at least she's seen. That typically she's not a shadow or something behind that is dark. But something that.. could be lightened upon. Someone that can inspire.'' He chuckled,

''Yeah! Right.. Anyways, she doesn't look like a light one now though.'' She grinned,

''Just because she's dressed to blend in within the night? They all have styles, she has her own. Colors can make a difference. Be it, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, anything. It's an influence but that's on the vigilante.'' He chuckled,

''You really keep yourself updated with some facts and stuff in the nerdy side of the Internet Huh?'' She chuckled,

''And you always seem to like talking about this vigilante. Glad she's somewhat inspired you.'' He smiled...

''Yeah, Thanks. Anyways, I should really go.'' She told Pete, before she came out of the window quickly. Sliding down the pipe nearby as Pete was about to stop her and use the door instead but, held back.

She was already down there, on her way back to her house, while Pete stood there, letting out a chuckle before hearing Uncle Ben's voice, calling him as he went on his way downstairs...


''I don't know! I mean, Desmond and I love roleplaying but, a real superhero? I'm serious we're freaking out. We're nerds okay! Anyways I'm innocent.'' Kiera laughed through Cat's earphones. The two were in a call.

''Right. Innocent. You should be in Jail.'' Cat's sarcasm made her chuckle as the two were talking like siblings who were separated often.

''Okay, anyways... Are we playing today?'' Kiera asked,

''Of course, why not! I call Girl's Night!'' Cat laughed,

''Right, just beware of Roi. She hates it when you're with somebody else other than Aisha.'' Kiera rolled her eyes,

''Eh, I don't give a shit. I've got 50 notifs and more from Roi. I want to be with ye. Let's do this!'' Cat let out a chuckle, tapping her keyboard. Prepping up...

''Oh Kiera! Can I ask you a favour?'' Cat thought about something,

''Ye? What is it?'' Kiera responded,

''Desmond's an expert in tech right? I need a Police Scanner or something that tracks them or emergency services.'' She said all of a sudden,

''The Heck?! Why would you need those?'' Kiera asked,

''I like this vigilante a lot, and I'm looking forward hunting her with photographs. I'll be the one with the most hopefully.'' She laughed,

''Welp, whatevs. I'll ask him. Double check it from him soon though.'' Kiera let out a sigh, while Cat laughed a bit.

''I'll be waiting. But I'm not patient.'' She let out a giggle, and a smirk. Before their game launched and they started playing for the night...

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