' End-Credits and Author's Note '

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''They took it all way. Everything. Just because I made a simple mistake doesn't mean I get to be blamed for every thing...'' He clenched his fists,

''I'll get out of this cell soon, I'll burn them into the ground. I will. Starting with that judge, then those what you call the higher ups. You'll see it soon, mate. You will see it soon...'' He punched the wall quite hard as it left a crack. As if it was about to break...

''Calm down. You don't need to strike out now, you need a plan first...'' He threw his ball right up to the air, bouncing it back towards his hand.

''It always starts with a simple plan. Then go forth...'' He chuckled...


WELP- That is it. First Fanfiction completed. So, I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read this. I'm quite proud how it turned out but I still feel a bit doubtful near the end. As if I'm confused on what I'm writing, but eh- I'm still a beginner so, go easy on meh. ;P

And I'd like to thank my friends for the motivation in helping making this come to reality. It might be my first and it may be a little dull, but hey- At least I tried. c:<

And to those readers, thanks a lot for stopping by and reading this. Honestly, I don't know if I'm writing a sequel. But as luck would have it, I guess I can if you want me to. I swear, I've never written a big one like this before. I wrote a few Wattpad books along the way when I first joined years ago. But alas, writer's block and doubts always kept me from going forward away from Chapter 3. But hey, at least I probably found my forte with Superhero Fictions. Well, for this one, you can tell it's heavily based off from Raimi's Classic Spider-Man films, I'm quite sure of that since this is a gift to a friend of mine who loves these films. And with all that time and bloody headaches for writing this, I'm proud of it. And I hope she likes it. <3

Auf Wiedersehen! ( PS. I'm not German, I just love saying that -^- ) Thanks again! 

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