Chapter X: A Million Dreams

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...A Month Later...

''[This just in, the Vigilante known the Mysterious Spider has seemingly disappeared for almost a week, prior to her disappearance, she recently caught high profiled criminals and lowly thugs from the streets. There are no known reports where she maybe, but there was a theory that maybe It was actually the time to hang up the mask from these illegal activities. Or maybe it was Jameson's words that actually struck true towards this Vigilante's heart as a menace, taking away the dreams of a vigilante...]'' She quickly turned off her phone when she heard those fireworks going off...

''Wooh!'' A crowd of students dressed in regalia, a black robe used for graduation, cheered on as the Principal finishes his speech.  Graduation Hats were thrown into the air as the graduating students jumped on repeatedly in excitement and joy...

Once it was finished, Peter Parker has recently graduated from Midtown High as well as Harry Osborn. Peter separated ways with Osborn as he went to his father, while Pete approached his Aunt and his friend, Catja.

''I'm so proud of you! You look so great Peter.'' Aunt May complimented her nephew, he smiled and hugged her. ''Thanks Aunt May..'' He let out a chuckle,

''Pete! Hey! Congratulations!'' Catja giggled as she hugged him, patting his back twice before pulling out.

''Thanks Cat! I didn't know you went with my Aunt May..!'' He laughed a bit,

''Oh, It's summer..! I saw her outside, I don't mind inviting her. You two seemed close since then.'' Aunt May let out a chuckle...

''Oh, wow. I never knew you were observing us. Just wow.'' He said, chuckling...

''Hey Pete... Dad's here.'' Harry approached Peter with his Father,

''Peter! congratulations! I heard you've got an award. That's terrific...'' Norman Osborn smiled, shaking Peter's hand. He paused for a moment as he thought about his uncle before continuing,

''I know this maybe a difficult time for you, but I really want you to try and enjoy this day. A start of something new. I don't know much how I can help you, but truly. You're like a brother to Harry, and that makes you a family. If  you eve need anything, just don't hesitate to give me or Harry a call.'' He chuckled a bit,

''You're.. Norman Osborn? The CEO of Oscorp..?'' Cat noticed, as she was in the background expecting a rich guy with glasses. To her surprise, he looks like a normal man in a suit.

''Yes, I am. And you must be...?'' He chuckled a bit,

''Catja Rivera, sir. Harry and Peter's friend from school. I'm actually younger than them but, I managed because they seem to be better than those kids in my level.'' She laughed a bit,

''Well, that's nice of you to meet up with Harry and Pete. At least you found some genuine friends then.'' He let out a chuckle,-

''Anyways, I was thinking of... Inviting you all for a lunch around an hour. It's just a few blocks from here. My Treat.'' Norman asked,

''Yup, come on. We can celebrate.'' Harry smiled. Peter knew this will fall under Aunt May's decision, but to his surprise-

''Oh, well.. I wouldn't to hold us long here. It would be a honour.'' She smiled, accepting Norman's invitation. While his phone vibrated, checking it briefly- before he responded,

''Wonderful. We should meet there soon. Harry could you go with them to give the directions, I've got to drop some files to the office quick. I'll make it don't worry.'' He smiled, as Harry nodded.

''Let's go then..!'' Catja lightened the mood up with a smile...


''Mm! This is amazing.'' Cat recently swallowed her food, and honestly, it looks like a buffet from here.

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