Chapter XIV: Just the Two of Us

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''Wooh!'' She took the momentum of her web line, in the air. Spinning out another, pulling herself towards the ledge of the building when her phone rang... 

''Desmond? You're on the ground? I'm up here. I'm getting an angle and checking if she's coming...'' She let out a chuckle, knowing the fact she's already prepared and in her suit. 

''Yeah, I'm already waiting. We better hurry, Kiera and Mark is waiting for me. We've got a scheduled gaming session today...'' He sighed, ''Plus, these kinds of places are dangerous. Is this crime organization is having another deal? How'd you even pull this kind of connection?'' He asked,

''My Hunch and Intuition? They're one of a kind. I can already see her from here. The deal's happening and, let me guess... There's some tension.'' She chuckled, perching over. A Bit far from the building while she can see Desmond closing...

''Yup. Definitely. I swear If I got caught you're-- Oh shit- I am caught..!'' He went close enough, there was a goon nearby and called him out. Startling the two parties, they were on the edge. They started running off with their products, and before the goon can fire on Desmond--

Spider-Girl fired a web projectile towards the goon, followed by her leg flipping him over followed with a punch that knocked him out.

''Hi.'' She waved at Desmond, as he awkwardly took a picture with a frozen expression. Thought he was facing imminent death? Not on her watch.

She saw those two dealers with a few goons. A smirk formed beneath her mask, when she launched herself towards the criminals. While Desmond looked in awe, he has never been this close to Spider-Girl in action. All he knows right now is his music and his focus, playing 'Just the Two of Us' as he saw the hero dance flawlessly in dispersing those criminals to the floor, lamp post, wall or anything else that incapacitates them without any severe injuries. But she does enjoy punching or kicking them hard which worries him while taking few pictures which she posed quite quickly before putting up another punch or a kick...

 A web line wrapped the cases, pulling it over to the floor before she kicked one of the dealer. She also used that momentum to pose for another photograph, although that was her mistake when the other dealer was able to fire a bullet...

She was able to dodge it quickly, but not before it ricocheted the lamp post... Her spider-sense went off as quick as possible, disarming the dealer with her foot while her arm spun out a web. And she was able to pull Desmond out, but wasn't able to stop the bullet from grazing his arm that got him screaming a bit in pain...

''Desmond!'' She let out gasp, the dealer was about to land a punch to Spider-Girl. Her senses went off again and was able to dodge that attack. Followed by a hard kick towards that dealer's chin that got him off the hook out of cold...

''Crap! This hurts! Feels like someone just scraped my skin with a hot rod!'' He attempted to ignore the pain through ranting about a hot rod and how it damn hurts..!

''Desmond..! Are you alright!? Oh Jeez!'' She went by his side quickly, much to his surprise this Superhero is in a panic than in the state of being calm and taking him to the hospital...

''Hey Hey! Gimme- that.. ointment..!'' She knew where to get from his bag, much to his surprise...

''Spidey- What are you-..?!'' He was confused for a while, until he was able to piece some information in his mind. She panics instead of being calm, she knows where that ointment is for wounds, and of course... She always disappears whenever Spider-Girl comes. In the excuse for finding the right vantage point and place. His eyes opened, a bit big as he looked at Spider-Girl. Who's now applying the ointment in his wound- flinching for a bit before finally--

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