Chapter XVIII: Back to Life

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She let out a sigh, sticking on the building's dim windows on her back. She was already in her red and blue suit, contemplating if she's still fit to be Spider-Girl after Peter's words of wisdom, and the time she opened her heart. Letting the darkness that slowly killed her, out. And to see that as the Goblin is a poetic nature. That for the light to survive in her heart, she would face her challenge at this moment yet, to determine if she really is worthy to be a true hero...

She opened her eyes after a brief meditation, preparing herself as she pulled her mask on. Her hands were holding her still, before charging a momentum...

''Bring me back to life...'' She whispered to herself, before pushing herself off for a Leap of Faith...

The Glass on the building cracked, shattering a bit as shards fell towards the adjoining building. The momentum was enough, when she flipped towards a dive. The wind flowed through her skin, she felt as if she could spread her wings at this moment of her life again...

And she did with a gesture from her hand, spinning her web line out towards a building... Swinging across the streets of New York. Her spider-sense tingled when an explosion on the Queensboro Bridge, she was quick to fire a web line towards the building- but rather than swinging, she pulled herself towards it with two weblines- She used the momentum to flip towards another building,

As she landed on its ledge, she used the momentum she could muster through her legs- pushing herself even further high up the city. Followed by another pair of her webs to pull herself even closer towards the bridge in a nick of time...


''That's not a good sign...'' She sighed, observing the situation as the explosion rocked a cable car, and to see Peter was up there. And The Green Goblin flew around, holding the wire as he landed near Peter--

She spun out a web, swinging towards them as she landed even closer...

''Leave them alone! Just put them down safely! This is between you and me!'' She yelled at the Green Goblin just as he put Parker in a chokehold on the edge, while using his other hand to hold that cable car balanced, it was immobile at this moment...

''Spider-Girl! I've been expecting you..! I'm sure this is between you and me! But...'' He laughed, staring right at her eyes. She was already thinking of what's about to happen soon, observing Peter and the Cable Car, which were filled with Children...

''I am just clearly upset When you rejected my offer and left me in that burning building...'' He snarled, ''So, It took some time. I realise that fools are heroes..! Because you will never know when some lunatic would force you to make a sadistic choice, of letting the man you love fall to his death-- or let the children suffer to die slowly and painfully...'' He smirked at her, ''Now let's see, what kind of 'hero' will you be? What choice, will you make...'' His voice went cold, and then he let go both Peter and the Cable Car for her to make her choice...

Her eyes flashed towards the two, whether she'd save the children first, or Peter... Making her choices carefully, she observed the quickest way to save both. And with her spider-sense, she was able to conduct that observation in time. With her clear head, she went after Peter first-- Catching him mid-air followed by a web line as she swung towards the cable car and caught its broken wire in a nick of time...!

Peter exclaimed in fear, but to see himself safe in Spider-Girl's arms, and the cable car with the children were safe, he was able to let out a sigh of relief...

''Thank you..!'' He said, ''This is the third time..!'' He tried to quip up a joke at the wrong time,

''Not now Pete..!'' She grunted, using all her strength to keep that cable car mid-air...

The Goblin took notice loathing what just happened as he let out a growl...

''Spidey! Hang on!'' An old barge was travelling coincidentally to the bridge. Realising this could be the key to put down the cable car there safely along with Peter. Then she'll be free to face this fiend once and for all...

 ''We need you to hold on a little longer! You know what to do..!'' The Captain yelled,

''Spider-Girl..?!'' Peter heard 'him', he was looking up at the sky. A Smoke trail could be seen but disappeared quickly...

The Maniacal laughter of the Goblin could be heard around as she held still to her webbing, which was faltering due to the extensive weight she's carrying.

''Peter! I need you to climb down...'' She said to him, ''What- I can't-'' Peter was anxious at the action he was being ordered to do...

''You can! You have to okay?! Trust me on this..! Hold on tight and be quick...'' She said, her anxiety is at high due to the threat of the Goblin, she's an absolute sitting duck...

Peter complied, nodding as he was shivering in fear... He started climbing down, quick as he can. He was putting all his strength to get down there, not hesitating once as he believes he could...

''Come on Little Spider..!'' His laugh became louder, as her senses tingled- to find out he was about to throw a punch towards her from his fast approaching glider-- She was able to let go of the cable, propelling herself upward as she flipped- avoiding the Goblin's attempt to distract her. She was able to catch the cable quickly before it could fall...

Although she never even realised that the Goblin's miss, he flipped downwards, heading to her direction again-- she was surprised by this move when he finally landed an uppercut towards Spider-Girl's chin.

She was sent flying, but she refused to let go of her webbing. She pulled herself quickly to grab the cable as the Goblin flew past her. She grunted as she pulled the cable as far as she can when the barge was on its way...

''I've had enough Spider-Gir..! I guess this is the end of the line for you..!'' He laughed, turning his glider around. Sharpened blades could be seen in front of his glider as he was making his way towards Spider-Girl in a fast pace...

Her anxiety rose up to the point she's tempted to let go of the cable and her web to avoid that certain death, but as luck would have it-- Before the Goblin could even get close, a precise throw was able to distract his momentum- It came from the bridge. New Yorkers could be seen yelling and throwing him whatever garbage they could find, filming him, and humiliating the Goblin.

''Leave her alone and those Kids Dumbass!'' One of them screamed at him, he threw up a brick later on to the Goblin's annoyance...

The Barge arrived on time as that distraction caused the Goblin to flee the scene for a while, disappearing from view. Spider-Girl was able to bring the Cable Car down with ease to the Barge, with it Peter Parker looked at her, smiling for those actions she did...

She was enveloped in that stare for a while, she could feel proud of herself. She may have done this for a month, but she never felt full of pride when she was finally able to save these people as herself after coming in terms with her past. Although it wouldn't last long, all she did was distract herself when she saw Peter screaming in fear, warning her of the fiend...

His laugh was heard, as the New Yorkers seem to be clamouring at the sight of the Goblin, trying to warn Spider-Girl. She snapped out of her gaze, although it wasn't enough when she saw him closing...

He threw a cable from his glider, wrapping around her body like a lasso.- She was pulled from her webbing quite hard. She screamed out of fear, wrapped around like this as she couldn't do anything to get herself out in time. The Goblin simply flew far off from the distance, and threw her towards an abandoned hospital. Fear and panic enveloped through her body, the moment she saw the darkness of that place...

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