Chapter XIX: La Mer

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Fear plagued her mind at this moment. The sound of glass, shattering as her sights became a bit clearer when her lenses were damaged upon the hard contact when she was thrown into this abandoned hospital.

She crashed through a few planks, the pain throbbed in her body when she hit the floor. She was able to balance herself at the last moment.

She was able to take a breather, all that work earlier put a stressed in her muscles and mind. The pressure of saving a group of children and a person she loves, is something straight out of a storybook...

Although it didn't last long, as she was breathing in and out-- Her spider-senses tingled at the last moment when she least expected it. Those 'bombs', carried by the Goblin with a mirroring image of a pumpkin, flew right towards the cracked window. And landed right where she's at...

Her eyes followed the bomb slowly, it was rapidly flashing. And before she could move out of the way, the bomb exploded right in front of her face...

The force of the explosion knocked her off balance, the sudden flash and heat that enveloped her pierced half her mask and her costume-- a few pieces scattered across the room when she was knocked off. She tumbled and rolled across the deteriorating hospital as she hits the ground quite hard. All those rest she tried to earn earlier, were all for nothing as it was knocked out the moment she finally hits the ground face-first...

''Well, Well! Looks like I've hit the jackpot..!'' He laughed a bit as he got off from his glider. It was able to fly itself away from here to avoid any unpleasantries to Goblin's sinister plan...

 ''Hello there Spider-Girl, you miserable brat...'' His voice went cold, as it once more sent shivers right through her spine as she struggled to get up. Weakly lifting her head, as the right side of her mask was torn off from the explosion. It exposed half of her identity, as her eyes met the Goblin's creepy smile as he approached her... She was exhausted from everything, and to add more insult, this fiend will end this exhaustion in a painful way...

''I offered you to be my lovely little spider... But you made the wrong choice, selfishly choosing your own self...'' He attempted to punch her in the face, her spider-senses went off again as she was able to avoid it by ducking--

Although The Goblin perceived this trick, he didn't hesitate as he pushed himself to knee her in the face- She didn't expect it the least when her spider-senses went off late. Groaning in pain as she was knocked slightly backwards...

She was dazed, as her vision was blurry due to the enormous strength of the Goblin, while her strength is failing due to the exhaustion she exerted to save those people earlier...

The Goblin didn't hesitate to throw a punch towards her stomach. She lurched against his arm, coughing a bit hard when she tasted something in the tip of her tongue, iron as she would say...

She was pushed by the Goblin, nearly tripping. She was able to stand up a bit before she saw him approaching her with another intent--

He threw another punch, quite hard through her face-- Blood spurted out of her mouth, her breathe was running out slowly from this exhaustion and pain, wheezing as her breathing became heavier...

An uppercut from him sent her off balance, hitting the ground hard on her back as she screamed in pain. She attempted to get up as quick as she can- but the Goblin was quicker, delivering another shatter punch to her face as she nearly lost her balance- And then another punch- spurting out a few blood out of her mouth as she was sent reeling towards the bricks...

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