Chapter XII: New York, New York!

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''Desmond, can I just ask why you put a lot of old songs in your playlist?'' She asked, just curious as New York, New York played while she arrived at the spot. Along with Peter and Des.

''Old, but Gold Cat. Old, but Gold.'' He clicked his tongue, smirking.

''Right, you know my style is different but, anyways. They're actually good. Just not my type.'' She giggled,

''Well, I've got to get to Harry and MJ on the balcony. Harry wants me there with the better view, you guys can get there if you want. Just.. try not to get lost in the crowd here.'' Peter chuckled, ''And Pleasure meeting you again Desmond.'' Peter added, smiling as he went off...

''Pleasure to you too mate...'' He let out a chuckle, before focusing on the event. He had his Canon Camera prepared. Taking a view angled photographs of the event that is unfolding...

Desmond took a photograph of the passing parades, cultural celebrations and certain exhibitions that brought out an innovative and unity side within New York City.

''I really like those. But I hate those.'' He pointed towards the exhibitions, what he liked about that invention, and what he didn't like seeing nor hearing up there...

''Balloons? Why?'' She snorted, laughing a little...

''I just hate popping or banging sounds alright?'' He sighed, rolling his eyes.

''Sorry, didn't know about that. But seriously?'' She laughed a bit,

''Cat, do that again. You'll take these pictures by yourself.'' He said, quite 'serious'.

''Right, you won't leave me right?'' She smirked,

''As long as your cousin Kiera, isn't glaring at us both when we're in this position.'' He groaned in annoyance.

''She won't. Hopefully.'' Cat laughed for a bit before her senses overtook her amongst the clapping of the audiences and cheers. Her broad smile from annoying Desmond, faded quickly...

She heard this ringing, followed by whir. Like some kind of Jet Propulsion, growing closer and closer each passing moment.

''I'll be back.'' She told Desmond, heading off...

''Wait, what? Where are you going?'' He let out a sigh...

Cat went into a vantage point to see where that sound is coming from. She thought about an experiment earlier although it wouldn't do much, it wouldn't move this fast. And it would be easily noticeable. This is something from outside, and she has a hunch this doesn't look good...

Then she finally saw what it is. There was this figure, riding some kind of platform. Flying in high speeds with sharpened edges. The figure was a man, in a Green Exosuit and a Green Helmet with Yellow Lenses. His laugh echoed throughout the area and Cat acted on instinct, when he threw something, a sort of small 'ball', looking like a pumpkin as it blinked...

''Get down!'' She yelled, as the bomb exploded. Causing a chaotic response from the Festival. People started running off in panic. The Buildings rocked for a bit, and rubble, stray rocks came off falling...

''Shit!'' She cursed, running off quickly to find a place to change. Eventually she was able to find a restroom nearby, taking off her turtleneck shirt. Revealing her costume or her suit. She tried her best to change quickly after another violent force rocked the building once more. Causing some of the lights to flicker...


Screams could be heard on the balcony, the villain threw another one of his bombs. Causing the Balcony to collapse. Peter was able to push Mary Jane off from the edge of the balcony towards Harry as he caught her. Peter held on to the marble as it collapsed for a bit. In a fragile stance, Mary Jean let out a scream when the Villain, hovering near them as he spoke in a horrific voice...

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