Chapter XIII: Come a Little Bit Closer

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''[MENACE! That's what she is! A MENACE TO SOCIETY!]'' J. Jonah Jameson, reporting live from The Daily Bugle. Cat immediately closed the tab before turning on her mic while talking to both Desmond and Kiera...

''That's how he treats Spider-Girl? Then paid us 50 bucks each for him to call her a Menace and all?!'' Cat seemed pissed,

''Easy, at least the money's worth it. And look, Words are Just Words. Action speaks it out loud. You help people, that's what matters. You're not a menace.'' Desmond laughed through the call,

''Yee- Don't worry. He's not a fan of her, but I'm sure the money's worth it than his words.'' Kiera chuckled,

''Right. Yeah, I'll see you guys later. I wanna brood.'' She rolled her eyes,

''See you later then or I don't know-.'' Desmond laughed a bit, ''Yup, Goodbye Cat. Mwah. Love you Cousin Sister.'' Kiera smiled, then the call ended...

Cat spun around in her chair, thinking quite deeply. After a bit, she sipped her Ice Latte and started a research on this new villain she fought yesterday...

''They named him The Green Goblin? Wow. Nice name.'' She sarcastically said, scrolling down as she did some research. Even as far as seeing her alter-ego self, being called a Menace by the Bugle. She was offended by it. Although she couldn't do anything and held herself off before doing something reckless...

 She peeked at Peter earlier, trying to exercise. While her phone played the song, 'Come a Little Bit Closer' much to her annoyance of Desmond's playlist somehow 'reading' her mind often. She nevertheless left them in her ears, enjoying it.

She let out a sigh, wanting to take a walk outside for some fresh air. She had her suit on for the time being when she went off just in case...


She was taking a 'jog' while texting Aisha, due to the fact Aisha asked her about playing on with one of the games they usually play for fashion stuff soon. She texted back with an unsure answer, but told her weekends would do. But ultimately decided today, after knowing Aisha went through an argument with Cooper...

 Eventually, Cat returned back to her house after an 'exhausting jog' in the morning, her mother was there gardening. While she noticed Peter taking care of some boxes outside. Sold, as it was marked.

She let out a sigh, knowing they're having some financial issues. She approached Peter for a conversation, to get his mind off it as she had a hunch...

''What's with the boxes?'' Cat asked while she leaned close towards the fence,

''Oh, these are the stuff we just sold. We needed some cash but, I guess luck have it. We have one now. Soon. I just need to deliver these then I'll get the paycheck.'' He smiled, ''At least It could help Aunt May ease the burden.'' He chuckled,

''Oof... Well, is there something I can do to help you out?'' She asked him,

''Oh no, It's alright. You've helped me a lot of times already. Seriously though, It'll be fine.'' He let out a giggle.

''How so?'' She let out a smirk,

''Well the fact you've always been there to cheer me up with some conversations. Especially even the smallest greeting, to the debacle of Science and your hatred for Chemistry. And of course to Spider-Girl. Who, I should tell you, saved me yesterday if you haven't seen it in Desmond's Camera yet.'' He smiled,

''I did. She's brave and quite alluring whenever I see her swing by or something.'' She grinned, chuckling...

''Oh come on, she's busy saving the city okay? Sometimes, if there's a superhero. Responsibility is the reason. Duty comes first. Romantic Attractions could... stray her off for a much as I know. And I... couldn't it be me- That's.. Oh Goodness me.'' He laughed, as he continued moving these boxes to the trunk of the car.

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