Chapter II: Good Girls

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The sound of the metallic door being slammed was heard as the bell rung. She turned in the lock, taking her books with her. She walked and acted like a typical popular type of girl in the school, with all the phones, the sassiness, and attitude. Amongst the crowd of chattering students, she walked past them, meeting with her friends, Roi and Aisha. Often it would be Aisha leading their pack, and Cat would simply follow behind. She's usually the silent of the three. And often she would be the typical 'go-to' girl where Roi, usually ordering her around and Aisha just tries to ignore Roi due to her stubbornness is over the top. Roi's orders are often it forced, but Cat doesn't care much unless it goes over the line. At least she could hear the gossips, and the 'fun' they could experience, especially if it gets her mind off the troubles at home and her family, a sacrifice she tends to make to distract herself...

''So, y'all comin' tonight? You know, before that field trip?'' Cooper grinned, nudging Aisha as she smirked, winking. As much as she knows, those two are always on it. The Jock and the Popular Girl, typical stereotypes.

''Don't worry, we will. Oh Cat, don't forget to bring the 'ice' later.'' Aisha hugged her, before going off, holding Cooper's hand as they both walked away.

''Yeah Cat, don't forget about that. You know what happens if you do.'' Roi rolled her eyes, taking off as she was going for a snack in the cafeteria.

''I know, I know. Ugh, Duh of course I will.'' She spoke to herself, shrugging a bit. She knew that she was always in this position. She never minded it, as long as she felt useful than nothing at all...


She took a left turn, inhaling those toxic chemical, of an E-Cigarette, Vaping. It was quite addictive, relieving her stress from her surroundings. From the troubles of family, to the what she is experiencing now. She knows about the effects of it, how it would affect the body. But she just doesn't care. It was a 'gift', or not at all. Purchased by herself when she was asked by Roi, and Cooper. She remembered that she coughed all night, and was scolded by her mother. She snapped out of her thoughts, when the cars nearby caused a ruckus, nearly colliding with each other. She heard a bunch of swearing New Yorkers which made her laugh, then she kept her Vape. And went inside the store to buy those drinks.

''Are you sure you're in the legal age to buy these drinks missy?'' The Store Clerk asked, she seems to be quite suspicious of Cat. Noticing her small stature, yet quite an attitude when she placed a pack of alcohol on the counter.

''Duh, obviously. You don't really need to check ages, it's a common thing.'' She chuckled, as she placed a few dollars on the counter. She pulled out her phone, texted her friends about getting the 'ice'.

'Great! Don't be Late Though.' Aisha texted back. Cat nodded simply and kept her phone, and took the pack of alcohol with her. She nearly bumped into another guy by accident when she was thinking about her situation with her friends, to her surprise--

''Oh-! Cat?'' He chuckled, as he was quick to help her balance the pack of alcohol. It was Peter Parker. The Neighbour Yesterday, Chores, and Do-Gooder.

''Uh- Thanks-'' She said, as she felt a little annoyed by her clumsiness, maybe it was Peter? She doesn't want to decide nor escalate the situation with her own misguided emotions lashing out.

''You're.. going drinking I suppose? With your friends?'' Peter asked, quite curious.

''Suppose. What else could I do anyways.'' She chuckled, 

''Sorry, I shouldn't keep you much. I.. think I know how they're like. If.. You know.. got there late..?'' He chuckled quite awkwardly, and had that quite of a flair in him that makes him likable in terms of his softened tone and kind-hearted personality. He might be in another classroom, since he's in a higher grade than her, but she didn't mind and often chatted with him in other times...

''Cat?'' Peter noticed Cat's sudden stare, she spaced out thinking about those...

''Oh! Sorry, you know I'll just get these out and.. Thanks. Bye!'' She said quickly, quite anxiously as she stepped out of the store and walked off. She didn't know what she felt there, or why does she feel like that every time she's around Peter. She knows him since kids, living in their neighbourhood since then. Although quite an introvert at times, she learned to get out due to the constant pressure from both sides of family and friends. Peter, on the other hand, accepts her whatever she maybe. And she liked that.


''Chug! Chug! Chug...! WOOH!'' They all let out a howling scream of a cheer, after Cooper managed to drink 5 litres of alcohol. The party was going on for hours, and she was cheering along, trying to be part of the whole party pack. Over a dozen people, in Coop's house. His parents were away at the time, business meeting over Philadelphia...

She seems to be enjoying the party, dancing a bit, and often drinking some of the alcohol at the party. Especially the one she bought, which was barely touched...

She observed the party, while laughing at those jokes one of the guys were telling. Often the jokes were gossips about other people as well, sometimes even themselves. Aisha would be with Cooper, and Roi debating with some party goers and agreeing with things. They were having the time of their lives.

As she finished another glass, she felt quite dizzy and confused at times. Well, it's what she's thinking of doing. She doesn't really want to bother...

''Gotta go the Bathroom for a while-.'' She said-, her vision was quite blurry as she informed Aisha and Roi, they didn't bother much, saying ''Alright.'' as they just nodded and continued their conversations.

She coughed, washing her face carefully. She seems to be thinking about what's happening at the moment. She's clearly drunk, and wasn't thinking straight. Seemingly forgotten why she's here for. She nearly lost her balance but managed-. Although as she was about to leave, the doorknob was not working. She was locked in. She wasn't sure if it was stuck or not, but as she twisted the knob, it was moving for an inch before freezing. Knowing it works, and suddenly registering that she was, indeed locked inside the bathroom alone.

''Hello! I'm stuck- The door's locked!'' She attempted to call someone behind the door,

''Please I can't breathe!'' She tried as Anxiety was beginning to engulf her, she was starting to cry, but still, no one was able to hear her...

No one? But Cooper's friends' Bella, Veronica, and Cooper himself were behind the door. Laughing as they intend to prank Cat. Although Roi was closing in, she doesn't really notice what was happening. But Aisha noticed,

''What the- Hey! Not this again, Cat, Don't worry, keep still! We'll get this door open soon..!'' Aisha said, while Cooper laughed in the background, drinking another bottle of alcohol...

''Cooper! Where are the keys--!'' She yelled at her own boyfriend, trying to get his attention...

''Hey! Pizza's here!'' Cooper noticed from a far and was quite drunk to respond to Aisha, and was quick to take a slice and eat rather than attend to Aisha's concern over Cat...

Cat turned away, letting out a sigh and went to the sink, with both her hands on the edges, she took a deep breath, in and out, to breathe properly. Calming down, she knew she's stuck here for a while, believing her friends could get her out of this soon.

Leaning against the tiled wall, she slowly sank into the floor. Sitting there alone, wearing her earphones and playing a song...

''Good Girls..'' She muttered to under her breath knowing this has happened before with her friends, she struggled to sing to ease herself. Then she laughed, as if she's 'fine'. Yawning, before she finally passes out due to drinking...

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